8. Dinner

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"Let's have dinner together," Hanseo asked Kiara from his desk "You promised me, so now you cannot refuse.".
"Okay" Kiara replied with a small smile "so where are we going?" She got up Hanseo did the same taking his jacket walked toward the door "my place" he said simply opening the door for her.
"If you are thinking of getting me to cook food, then forget it, I am not going to cook anything." She told him walking out of the office room Hanseo walked beside her "I was not in the mood to go outside, last time Hanseok called me about the news when we went to the bar, so my place is safe." he explained.
They get in the elevator then Hanseo got a message He looked at her "I'm sorry Kiara, Hanseok invite me for dinner with him soo..." She looked at him confused "he invited you but not me".
Hanseok saw her expression change "don't think too much probably he wants to scold me for something" he tried to explain to her with a smile but deep down he was scared to death if Hanseok invite just him it means danger probably wanted to beat him up or humiliate.

"Yes, I'll fix it as soon as possible so it doesn't harm you," Hanseo told him
"Really?" Hanseok said taking one step closer to him, "yes" Hanseok replied taking one step backward "Afraid of my scolding, or you are getting angry?" Hanseok said getting more closed to him, Hanseo knew he was not liking his making gap so this time he stood in one place "No, whenever you scold me like this" he forced a cheerful smile "I can tell I'm growing".
"Hmm, is that so," Hanseok said with a smirk but suddenly they heard the door open and Kiara appeared "what the fu- oh you have spare keys-" suddenly Kiara throw her phone toward him with full force but he dogged easily "what the hell are you doing?"
"You idiot yesterday you left me alone and now you arranged a family dinner but didn't invite me" she yelled at him in one breath, "you told me to like you more than anything but how can I do that when you act like this".
"Take a breath or else you will die," Hanseok told her as he looked at the broken phone "Now I have to get a new phone for you too, I haven't even got a salary yet." He turned around Hanseo moved toward Kiara but his step stopped when he heard Hanseok "Where are you going, come on it's time for dinner, sit down". Hanseo nervously looked at Kiara and then turned toward the dining table "I have cooked food for you too, come eat" Hanseok told to her then walked toward the table but Kiara didn't move at all, he himself served pasta on three plates Hanseo sat on the chair still glancing at Kiara she had a blank expression on her face Hanseok rolled his eyes then walked toward Kiara grabbed her hand and walked back to dining table with her and settled her next to Hanseo on the table and himself sat in front of Hanseo "Why are you not eating?" Hanseok asked looking at Hanseo, he again smiled awkwardly and start to eat but Kiara was still just staring blankly at her lap. "Kiara look at me," Hanseok said after five minutes of silence "don't stop" Hanseok ordered Hanseo.
Hanseo glanced at both of them awkwardly eating quietly he knew if he did or say something it was only going to make the situation worst.
"You seem to be very angry." Hanseok said taking a bite of his dinner "But maybe I should have been angry with you. you don't think so?" Still Kiara was silent she didn't even move at all "you both sleeping with eachother without my knowledge" hearing that Hanseo almost slipped his food out from his mouth he cough "hyeong, there's nothing like that, we're just-"
Hanseok stared at him with raised eyebrows "There is nothing like this between us, I swear."
"Why? why you do not like Kiara, you do not find her beautiful." Hanseok asked.
"No, it's not like that" Hanseo was too nervous and confused he didn't know how he had to answer him.
"Looks like you have eaten, so now you can go back to your place"
Hanseo raised his eyes properly looked at his brother, Hanseok smiled at him, Hanseo got up ready to leave that tensed atmosphere but he was worried because of Kiara he knew Hanseok never hurt her badly but this situation was different he looked at her, she still looking down "Don't worry about her I'm not going to hurt her" he heard his brother voice, then said his goodnight to them with some hesitation he left the Vila.
Hanseok eyes whole time was on her he got up from the chair moved near to her sat on the chair where Hanseo seated just one minute before he hold the foke and tired to feed pasata to her "open you mouth Kiara" he said with calmness but Kiara didn't did what he said with other hand he hold her chin and forced her look at him "come on open you mouth" she looked into his eyes for a second then pushed his hand away foke landed on floor pasta spill, he didn't even glanced at floor he just took another foke with pasta extended toward her lips "It is very tasty, I swear, eat it alright." Again she did the same this time Hanseok chuckled dangerously he took the plate and throw that on the floor and asked "you are happy now?, This is what you want?" She didn't reply to him just looking at her feet "oh come on say something" he was getting frustrated by her behaviour he was not angry when she yelled at him or throw her phone at him but seeing her sitting quietly was bothering him.
He closed his eyes for a second then forced the word out from his mouth "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you on the road alone." He saw her eyes moved to look at him, he smiled "You worked so hard just to make me apologize. Poor Hanseo must have been so worried about you".
"If you keep your behaviour like, then maybe I'm gonna start to hate you" Kiara said in low voice.
"It's same goes to you" Hanseok replied immediately "I also don't want to behave like that but...you...you force me to get angry and now look what you did" he said glancing at the floor, "Kiara You are the only one from whom I apologize".
"Lier, You always keep apologizing to Cha-Young too" she said.
"Those apologies have no meaning, but when I say sorry to you, it is a true apology." Hanseok told seeing her expression change slowly with his every words, he started to liked that moment How pitiful she looking right now, he just had to made her to trust him, believe his word.
"Hanseok, I am going home now." She told him getting up she didn't wanted to look like a jelouse girl in the front of him special because of Cha-Young she felt embarrassed ready to left him as fast as possible, but he held her hand "Stay" he said to her looking at her face with sincerity.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now