3. Meetings

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Vincenzo POV

I heard the dance studio door open everyone's eyes goes towards the door, I also turned around and see the last night bus stop tan girl or woman standing at the door in her light blue formal dress, wearing black high heels, and her long black hair tied in a ponytail, she glanced at me just for few second then looked at other then walked to Mr. Hong, I leaned near to Cho and ask "who she is?"
But before he answer Mr. Hong introduced her to me "she is Kiara she living next to you Mr. Cassano".
"Oh" I extended my hand to shake her hand she Shakes my hand with her small hand, her hand was not rough but also not soft she is really short, probably without heels, she looks soo tiny "Vincenzo Cassano I'm lawyer from Italy" she nods her head then walked in the corner and stand there looking around the studio.
We start the meeting, and in the end, everyone raised their hands agreeing with me but that girl is not, I looked at the girl, I also glanced at her a few times during the meeting she just staring at her watch like she really not interested in this meeting, I'm sure she is not like that weirdo living there she is different, her whole body say that her dress pants to coat were expensive and that watch too. So what she is doing here, and now she pisses me off.
"Kiara, you do not agree?" Mr. Nam asked her, she looked at him then raised her hand a little with a small smile and muttered a small sorry, I chuckled what she is, she don't care about that place that meeting doesn't matter to her.
"I have to go now," she said when her phone started to ring she walked outside.
"Who invite her?" Someone asked I didn't catch who but they probably sound angry.
"Something is wrong?" I asked looking at them and making a weird face.
"She works for Babel," Mr. Hong told me "that's why no one wants her here"
Now I understand why she is not interested "she just recently got the job"
"So there is a mole".


Third person POV

Kiara exited the building and looked at her phone screen showing 'idiot' written on the caller id, she pick up the call walking toward the main road.
"Hey," she said in a light tone.
"Why are you not picking up my call?" A rough voice asked him.
She rolled her eyes at his words "I told you we have a meeting today in the plaza"
There was a silence for minutes then she heard his voice "okay stop walking turn left" she did what he told her to do and she saw a familiar car another side of the Street she walked to the car and sat inside without a word she looked at him, "how was the meeting?" He asked her with a serious face, she told him everything that happened in the meeting, then silence fell between them at the red light he said "why don't you shift from there?"
"Hanseok we talked about that before didn't we," Kiara said boringly.
"Do you like your work?" He changed the topic because he knows he promised her he not going to force her to shift.
"Do you think I work?"
The light turned to green he started to drive "I told you it's not a hard job".
"Whatever" she muttered, after half hour. they reached. , the Babel company building
"You both have a meeting at 10:00 with the Board to discuss the next steps though" he stopped the car and from his bad handed her "I prepared everything for Hanseo just make sure he will not mess up things, got it"
"So here you go, Kiara"
"Bye Hanseok" Kiara got off from the car, went into the building, and took the lift to Hanseo's office, she knocked on the door, and the door pushed open from inside reviling Hanseo "Where have you been since morning?"
Kirra pushed the file to his chest heading inside the office Hanseo looked at the file "He preparer this?"
She sat on the sofa taking a sip of water from the water bottle "of course, he did" she mumbled. He sat next to her "so we have two meetings today" he said with a nervous smile.
"Is okay you doing great Hanseo and...after the meeting, we are going to a bar for relaxation okay"
"Yeah" Hanseo agreed with a smile "and don't adapt his habit, Kiara"
"Kiara," he said with a warning but still smiled at the end, she laugh at his reaction.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now