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Hanseo came out of the bathroom after taking a bath and saw that Kiara was still sleeping on the bed, he went near to her and sat next to her on the bed "Wake up now, otherwise we gonna be late" He said shaking Kiara, Kiara opened her eyes but closed it again and said, "I have woken up, stop now." After a few seconds, Kiara asked opening her eyes completely "You just came out of the shower." She reached out her hands and touched his wet hair playing with it. "I should get dressed. My elder brother has the key to the house. If he sees us, we will be killed for sure," he said jokingly getting up from the bed and moving towards the wardrobe. Taking his clothes from the cupboard, he came back to the bed and kept the clothes next to her. Kiara was lying on the bed watching his every move, then she heard his voice "You haven't gone to sleep again, have you?"
"No, I'm awake" she replied, her eyes on his bare back "Seems you are doing a lot of exercises".
While drying his hair with the dryer, he saw Kiara's reflection in the mirror looking at him "Yeah I'm working on my body" Kiara got up and asked sitting on the bed, "Today we have to go to the court, don't we?" After drying his hair, he came back toward the Bed, "That's why I am telling you to get ready quickly, we have to leave." Wearing the white shirt, he said, "Look, whatever he is doing now, let him do it, don't attempt to stop or interrupt him." She get on her knees on the bed getting near to him she pushed his hands away and started to button up his shirt "I am sorry for whatever happened yesterday" Kiara said in low voice eyes focused on the button of his shirt, he looked at his face and thought to himself 'I knew you would say this Kiara at some point, There was no good meaning of that kiss, you kissed me so that you can forget his actions, forget him. But seeing your trembling hands, I can say that you could not succeed. I always knew that no matter how many times you say that you love me, it was always meaningless.' he stopped her hands "I'll do it myself." He told, she sat down properly on the bed hands on her lap she smiled looking at him "Okay" she said to him, Hanseo smiled back his mind was working on the thought that came into his mind he held her trembling hands and squeezed lightly 'After all, it was not me Kiara who held your hand when you needed it. I was not the one who took care of you when you wanted.' he chuckled And said "Yesterday you cried a lot Kiara and whatever happened apart from that let's leave that thing." Kiara eyes fixed on his face she whispered "I shouldn't have done that"
"Me too," the third voice said. Both of their eyes went to the door where Hanseok was leaning against the door frame watching them. "I was too harsh yesterday which I shouldn't have been maybe, huh?" Hanseok said walking toward them, Hanseo quickly removed his hand from Kiara. "S-Sir." His words stuttered looking at him, Hanseok patted him on the head and moved near toward Kiara. "hyeong, Call me hyeong at home, not sir, understand.",
"Yes hyeong" Hanseo replied.
Hanseok eyes were on Kiara's neck, he touched the collar of her shirt and said, "His shirt is fine but never wear someone else's." he said taking his hand off her shirt "Go Take a bath, we have to leave. If you don't have fresh clothes here, then go with Hanseo to your apartment before coming to court." He held her hand carefully like he was touching a flower petal, she got up, her feets touched the cold Marvel floor Hanseok was still holding her hand she looked up, both brothers eyes was on her 'dame! that situation making me nervous, come on Kiara get a grip of yourself' she thought and smiled at them "okay I'll take a quick showe then" she said walking away toward the bathroom Hanseok touched disappeared from her hand she felt sudden cold, entering in the bathroom closed the behind her, once Kiara closed the door Hanseo felt his gaze on him, suddenly Hanseok pushed him down on the bed hovering above him hand touched his neck, Hanseo recalled the that day when warehouse set on fire that night when he strangled him he closed his eyes shut in horror, heart beat running like crazy, he was waiting for pressure that never came he opened his eyes saw Hanseok no more above him but laying down next to him, Hanseok truned his head looking at Hanseo stare at him then he smiled and said "Do not be afraid, I am not angry with you. You know Standing at the door, I was thinking what would I have done if there was someone else instead of you, but it's you and I can't kill you" Hanseo knew very well what was trying to do and that work on him, "hyeong I...w-we..." Hanseo started to say but he could not think what to say after all before he did something wrong that he probably regret later, Hanseok said in a carefree tone "Let it go, I know nothing happened between you two,"

Two days ago at Wusang Law Firm.

Hanseok exited the elevator on the ground walking behind Mr. Han and Ms. Choi when a group passed them, suddenly a man in his 40s in a Navy blue suit stopped him Hanseok looked back and saw a familiar face standing near the elevator with a small smile looking at him even he waved his hand toward him, Hanseok grin at his behavior his attention went back to the other man who was standing front of him "Can I know your name?" That man asked him, but before he could say anything annoyed voice of Choi asked the man "Why?" Suddenly Mr. Han said in a nervous tone "Don't argue with them, you are not seeing who is standing behind." Hanseok again looked at the man and said to himself "Bad luck" He simply ignored the old man and walked past him toward the elevator, he stood in front of the man "I'm Jang Jun Woo, hello sir" He said, "couldn't find a better name" that man asked looking at his head to toes "My parents liked this name, so what could I do?" Hanseok replied to him, but the other person just rolled his eyes and said "Stop pretending, I know who you are" Hanseok raised his eyebrows "Hm?". Another person took one step closer to him and said in low voice "Mr. Jang Han Seok, you haven't changed at all" Hanseok chuckled "I should have punched you like before, then you would have remembered the old days properly" Hanseok told him "let's talk personally"
The other man smiled and started to walk "staircase will work", Hanseok glanced back at Choi and Han who both looked at him with nervousness, Hanseok passed a smile at them and walked in the same direction that the man went.
"So you become an attorney" As Hanseok opened the staircase door he heard the man's voice and replied calmly "Yeah,"
"And here I was wondering where Jang Han Seok went leaving his previous persons here," he said to Hanseok in a sarcastic tone "You are the reason Kiara never came back to me". Hanseok chuckled "Kang Song, you are not worthy of her attention that's all".
Kang laughed "it's doesn't matter, I tasted her before you and..." He walked closer to Hanseok "It's just a matter of time, I know for sure one day you going to destroy everything then I will going to be the one with her", "You think a lot Kang, and it's irritating" Hanseok said and turned toward the door about to opened the door but stopped his hand turning the doorknob hearing Kang words "do you know Vincenzo?"
"What about him?" Asked Hanseok again facing him, "He is interested in Kiara," Kang told him. "You don't have to worry about that," Hanseok told him. Kang grinned "Why I'm going to worry about him after all he is perfect for my plan".
Hanseok eyed him then smiled and asked him "And what is your plan?"

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now