26, part-1

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Han-seo and Kiara were seated next to each other on the plaintiff's side of the courtroom. Kiara glanced back at him from her phone and saw his awkward expression, she leaned closer to peak at his phone screen and saw actually he wasn't doing anything just moving around the screen, then Hanseok arrived with Mr. Han and Choi, Han-seo eyes him with displeasure and returns to the screen, Mr. Han approached Han-seo but Hanseo just stopped him sending him away the expression of displeasure never left face Kiara touched his knee he didn't respond and signaled Mr. Han to relax, "are you alright?" Kiara asked he looked at him and nodded with a smile again staring at the phone screen, she tapped on his knee this time he looked at her properly "Don't stress out too much" she told in low voice, "I'm good don't worry" he told her with a small smile and turned his attention to court,
Cha-Young announced her surprised witness and here came Vincenzo Cassano his special entry, Kiara looked at Hanseo's surprised face that he tried to control and put a neutral expression Kiara half-body leaned on Hanseo when they were watching Vincenzo's entry "I think I made myself fool" Hanseo mumbled in a really low voice like he just talking to himself, Kiara also didn't ask him anything. As time was passing everything started getting troublesome. She glanced at Hanseok, his expression was normal nothing special like Hanseo who looked stressed by all these things happening, "Hanseo relax" Kiara whispered holding his hand and placing their hands on her lap, Vincenzo took the seat next to her, with a smile that disappeared in next second, he looked away from them and his eyes met with Joon-Woo who just smiled at him and turned to look forward, Vincenzo again looked them and chuckled annoyingly mumbling to himself "what a loser"
Suddenly the husband and wife started fighting which made them laugh but when Vincenzo clapped again that stressed feeling came back to them, they both glanced at Hanseok who was smiling at the drama in front of them.
The trail ended and Hanseo's phone buzzed in his pocket notifying him of a message he didn't need to see who was it from, "let's leave" he said to Kiara getting up she also did the same ready to leave but from nowhere, she heard Vincenzo asked to her "Kiara, Do you like sweet?"
"Huh?" She looked at him confused by this sudden strange question and replied after a few seconds "No" Hanseo got more frustrated and just dragged her with him checking the message from his phone he saw Hanseok at the stairs he followed him still dragging Kiara with him they stopped at the terrace Hanseok immediately asked ha seo with serious voice stopping his steps "Vincengo" Hanseo replied trying to look calm but his anxiety it still visible "I've seen him before, I think it was two weeks ago. He came to me when I was working out, he talked about some strange things and left" Hanseo tried to explain everything, but Hanseok turned around facing him with an angry look, and said "Then he probably figured out how stupid you are"
Hearing him Hanseo got puzzled and panicked but he tried his best to look cool in front of him "What? I didn't respond to him at all. I sensed that something was off, forget it" he ended his explanation when he saw Hanseok's face, Hanseok eyes turned to Kiara and he ordered to her "Hold a press conference tomorrow, "
"A press conference?" Hanseo asked confused by the sudden decision. Hanseok again looked at him and explained to him "Admit everything, and announced we'll get rid of BLSD, punish everyone who's involved and tell the victims we'll compensate them. And don't forget to bow respectfully"
Hanseo gulped replying "Okay" Hanseok took two steps closer to him, Kiara's eyes on them she knew that this was not good at all Hanseok anger always lead to bad, 'she had to stop Hanseok before he did something' She heard Hanseok ask to Hanseo "How is Babel tower going?
"I think the supervising department is experiencing some hiccups" Hanseok replied. Hanseok chuckled angrily and spat at him "Just Shut up and demolish it, we're not-" Kiara suddenly step between them making Hanseok stop talking and look at her "I'll explain to him later, this is not the right place to talk about that" she said innocently staring at his face, Hanseok took a deep breath and grabbed her hand taking her with him leaving Hanseo saying to him "Kiara is coming with me" Hanseo blinked with confused then punched the air with frustration 'stupid stupid stupid– What is my fault in this, you should have told me beforehand with whom we were fighting, Everything was fine before you went to America, because of father's decision you have become worse. Ahh! I really hate this.
Kiara was trying her best to keep up with his fast steps in her heels when he walking holding her wrist toward the parking lot, she spotted Ms Choi and Mr Han with driver standing near the car Hanseok walked with her toward them and immediately dismissed the driver "I'll drive you can go" he opened the door for her she sat inside without any word then he ordered to other two who just staring at him with confusion "get in the car" he saw next to her on driver seat she immediately buckled up her seat belt other two also sat in the car hhe started the engine ready to drive they left the parking lot "this is soo frustrating" Hanseok said that probably meant to himself, "What should I do next?, He definitely know about Hanseo" suddenly Ms Choi interrupted him trying to explain what happened in the court but that made Hanseok remember that 'why he is driving right now' immediately Kiara hold the door handle and he speed up the car diving in the road "Hanseok" Kiara called his name but he didn't slow down even he increased the speed more ignoring her he said to them "do you know how much bable will lose today?" He screamed in anger "Seven hundred sixty million dollars!" His rage drive out to the middle of nowhere, and he stopped the car Kiara immediately buckled off and get out of the car taking a heavy breath, Hanseok also got off, She was just controlling her breath when she heard the sound of breaking she looked back and saw Hanseok beating the living daylights out of his own car when Mr. Han and Ms. Choi was still inside, she ignored them and dialed the phone call and order them to bring the car too her location she was just about hangup when Hanseok asked her "who are you calling now?" His voice was rough and filled with anger, she saw him like that before but still, she felt scared "Car" she told him, and he nodded at her turning his attention back to the two she saw Ms. Choi bowed to him but he was looking at Kiara ignoring other respectfully or just in the fear bow and walked toward Kiara "are you alright?" He asked her sounding calmer than before standing in front of her.  She nodded her head with concern and touched his cheek creasing her thumb lightly and asked: "Are you calm now?" He held her free hand and replied "Yeah, I think so".

Mr. Choi looked at them with an annoyed expression "What a character he is" she commented, Han also turned to look at them and said in the low voice "Just a few second ago it seemed that he would kill us now look how he is standing holding her hand as if a little girl is in love.".
This is interesting" Choi said to herself with a scoff.

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