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Kiara woke up with whole body pain covered in comfy blankets she sat up on the bed looking around glad to see she was in the Hanseok bedroom she looked at her hand and saw the mark on the wrist she touched her neck and felt the bandage on, her body didn't felt dirty or sweaty 'did he washed me' she was about to lay down again but she stopped when she heard the door opened and familiar voice "ohh! you woke up" she saw his smile that didn't make her relief or happy, he saw her expression different than usual but couldn't pinpoint what was it. He walked towards the bed approaching her, he sat down empty side of the bed facing her on the bed and reached one hand toward her hair but before he touched her he felt the sharp smack on his cheek and a pained sound of "hiss" from the other person mouth "huh!" He chuckled "Was it necessary for you to raise your hand on me?" He looked at her biting her lips and looking away from him "Aish! Stop biting your dame lips" he said louder before he covered his eyes with his palm hand sighed and said softly "Your lips are already damaged, so stop doing that" he got off the bed and looked at her Naked upper body cover with Bruises "don't be angry, what happen last night is your fault, and..." He held her chin titling it so that her eyes met his eyes "And still I don't get the answer" his hand moved to her cheek "At least just tell me this that kiss didn't mean anything to both of you, you know I don't want to hurt him because of this" she blinked few times staring at his gaze that shows how desperate he was to hear her say that kiss didn't mean anything, her hand shaking but still she extended her hand and touched his cheek that she just hit a few minutes ago she felt he leaned on her touch, he closed her eyes to her touch 'she knows how addicted I'm to her touch and she always uses that to her advantage, why are you too cruel to me?'' he thought.
"We were not serious I just-" she tried to explain caressing his face so gently she knew what she was doing and he did too, He opened his eyes "You just what?" He brought his face closer to her, "I just wanted to...know, my feeling is real or... not..." She told him with a sigh, she was scared looking at him and even touching him was a big move for her that she even forgot that she was completely naked, "so it is real or not?" Hanseok asked her, "It's just you Hanseok...who made me feel like that-" She didn't finish her sentence.
"Like what?"
She looked into his eyes "Feel safe, loved...you are the only one I want to touch, feel" She pressed his forehead against her, their lips were soo close almost touching together, her breath fanned against his face, 'her smell soo good, God I always like her natural smell' he said in his thought. Her hand moved to his hair suddenly she yanked a fistful of his hair and said "You think you did nothing wrong huh?", Hanseok was surprised by her action he didn't think she going to do something like that "Now you are being aggressive Kiara" Hanseok said.
she scoffed releasing his hair from her fist "You...I'm not fighting with you, ever." She started to stand up, thought she heard him say something but didn't make out what, he stood up straight with her, She tilted her head back looking up at him from an almost point-blank range. He was stupidly tall or she was stupidly short and when she was mad at him, she absolutely loathed his height. "What do you want?"
"You." He said she saw the determination in his eyes when he said that effortlessly like it was the most common thing in the world. She scoffed again rolling her eyes, pretending with every ounce of her willpower that she felt warm from inside with a simple one-syllable reply. But it didn't mean that she was going to forgive him. She turned around making her way to the bathroom door but he stopped her grabbing her wrist which made her hiss in pain, he sighed and said calmly "I'm sorry, okay", she turned around to face him with furious eyes "Sorry? Really you think sorry is enough for your action?"
"Aren't...Aren't you said you don't want to fight with me?" He asked staring at her, "That's why I'm going to take a bath in peace, and can't you see that I'm feeling awkward standing like this" she said to him hoping he hear her word he going to leave her, but his grip got tight, she sigh making herself calm "Let's talk later, right now both of us are angry, things will only get worse and nothing else" for her surprise he released her wrist and left the room closing the door with loud 'thud'.


Vincenzo POV
"Hey, Kiara is that you" I just left my apartment when I see a figure in a grey hoody standing at the front next door that figure turned to look at me and I saw Kiara's face and head  covered with a hoody cap she looked surprised looking at me awkwardly "oh! Hello Mr. Cassano," she said, definitely she doesn't want to see me right now "it's your friend cloth" absolutely it is who buys that much big size for them, she looked at her clothes covering her palm with sleeves "yeah" she replied it's my first time I see her in casual clothes other than formal attire she wore every time, she looked cute but I don't feel good about that "Kiara–" I could finish my sentence because her phone ring, she looked at the screen with bothered expression but picked up the call anyway.
"Hey," she said on the call, I am still looking at her hearing her voice "Yeah, I left earlier...okay" She glanced at me "We arranged everything yesterday so don't worry" There is silence for a minute "Yeah eat first I will call you" then she hangup the call looking at me "Why did you need to pretend to be his fan to meet him?" She asked me, 'So he told her about Gym' "I just wanted to know something" I replied to her question she narrowed her eyes at me "So you found out what you wanted to know?"  She asked.
I smirk "Well, I know something.", She laughed extended her hand, and touch my cheek I flinched at the sudden action she giggled at my reaction Patting my cheek a few times I feel hot from her touch, she take her hand back and said "congrats on winning the case" she turned to unlock the door "Do you have free time tonight, if so, would you like to go to dinner with me?" I asked before she left.
"Oh sorry, I have a dinner meeting," she said, I am sure she didn't even think before replying at all.


"Take some rest, you have been working the whole day," Han-seo said placing coffee next to files on the desk in front of her, "huh! Managing team working like trash, These people are so stupid that they are not able to manage even their own work that I have to do their work," she told him with frustration she glanced at coffee "I don't feel like to drink coffee," she said, he sat down on the sofa sipping his coffee listening to her "really?", she looked at him with a frown and asked, "did he call you?"

"Well, to clear a few things up, he did," he told her looking at her displeasure expression "Did anything happen?".
"he is not picking up my phone, nor is he calling me, it seems as if he is ignoring me," she told him, Hanseo chuckled hearing her complaining about Hanseok and said "I don't think he can even ignore you" then he stopped staring at Kiara frustrated face, he got up and walked toward her and sat opposite of her on the chair and asked, "Well, he didn't say anything to me, but did I say too much when I was drunk on the day of father's death anniversary?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously he didn't remember much about the night but he remembered he said something to Hanseok that made Hanseok praised him, but question still that what did he said to him and best option was to ask Kiara, but looking at her expression changed into soft one "Don't worry, you didn't say anything wrong. And if you had said something wrong, he would have broken your bone already" she said jokingly but got serious in next second because Hanseo didn't smile at her "You told him that you know that he killed Mr Jang" she told him giving up on hiding, he looked lost as he heard her word "it's okay he is not angry at all" she try to assure him, but he just gone "what the hell I did, I'm fucked up, he literally hate me now, he just not saying saving for future, I'm going to be dead soon" he said to himself angrily, Kiara got up and walked toward him holding his face on her hands squeezing his cheeks making him to look at her face and said "I just told you he is not angry with you, why won't you believe me?".
"I shouldn't have said all that." He said angrily to himself, "Relax Hanseo, just look at me and breath okay relax" she said running her hands on her shoulders to make him ease.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now