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Han Seo didn't wait for anything else, he was out of his seat and sprinting down the hall. He knew where his brother would be - the rooftop. They had locked the door after two students had jumped from there. The teachers rarely patrolled it, and since a kid had drowned in it last year, it was off-limits to students. Han Seo's heart was racing as he ran towards the rooftop. He skidded to a stop on the loose gravel, almost falling over. As he reached the rooftop, he could hear the faint sounds of a scuffle and shouting. His heart was pounding in his chest as he took in the scene before him. Hanseok was straddling Kim Dae Won, his fists raining down on the boy's face. Blood was everywhere, and it was obvious that Hanseok was not going to stop. and Han Seo's heart sank. He couldn't let this happen, not again. He knew his brother had a temper, but this was different. The look in Hanseok's eyes told him that this time, he was truly out of control.

"Han Seok!" He shouted, but Hanseok didn't stop. "Han Seok hyung!" He tried again, but still no reaction. Han Seo knew he had less than five minutes to get his brother before someone arrived. "Hyungnim!" He shouted, his voice desperate. This time, Han Seok froze mid-punch and slowly turned to look at his younger brother. Han Seo could see that his brother's eyes were dark, and the blood splattered on his face and uniform made him look primal. Han Seok wiped his mouth with his hand, smearing blood across his face. Han Seo stepped back, feeling sick to his stomach. But he didn't say anything. Slowly, Hanseok stood up and turned to face him. Han Seo could see the blood smeared across his brother's face, making him look even more menacing.

"Don't ever say my name. Got it?" Han Seok said in a low, threatening voice before slapping Han Seo across the face leaving a warm red mark. Han Seo stumbled back, his head spinning from the force of the blow. But he didn't dare say anything, knowing that it would only make things worse.

As Han Seo stood there, head down, feeling the warm blood from his lip drip onto his shirt, he could feel tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. He felt helpless and scared, not knowing what to do in this situation. But then Kang's voice cuts through the tense atmosphere.

"Why are you stressing out?" Kang asked, walking over to the two brothers. breaking the tense silence between them. Hanseo's eyes widened in shock as he realized that Kang was there too, witnessing the entire scene.

"The teachers are gonna be here soon," Han Seo replied, his voice trembling. "And Kiara, she... she..."

"Got it, too much blood on me," Han Seok cut him off, his gaze still fixed on Han Seo. "But that's not my fault, is it?"
Kang continued. "you are too aggressive with him," he said, nodding towards Kim Dae Won.

Hanseok turned to face Kang, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Hanseo held his breath, wondering if a fight would break out between the two of them. But to his surprise, Hanseok's stance softened and he let out a deep sigh. "Whatever," he said, "we'll stop."

"Yeah," Kang agreed, nodding his head in understanding. "Let's just get going before the teachers arrive."

Despite the tension in the air, Hanseo felt a sense of relief wash over him. Maybe this was finally over. Maybe they could all just walk away and pretend like this never happened.

"Hey, Kang. Do you have a cigarette?" Han Seok asked, his voice calm now. He didn't like to smoke Hanseo knew that but he was smoking right now maybe things were more serious than he thought

"Yeah, I do," Kang nodded and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He offered one to Han Seok, who took it and lit it. The two boys stood there, smoking in silence as Han Seo watched them with furrowed brows.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now