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Hanseok awoke in shock as he felt the sluggishness from his body and saw the sterile, white walls of the hospital room. He felt a gentle grasp on his hand and followed it up to a woman sleeping in a chair next to him, who was fast asleep with her head resting gently on the edge of his bed. Despite the dim lighting, He didn't need to see her face to recognize her. Kiara.
He felt comforted by the fact that she was in the room, but his attention quickly shifted to the figure standing at the doorway: Choi Myunghee,
The lawyer's eyes met Hanseok's before she cleared her throat and spoke. "Your brother, Hanseo, shot you with a hunting rifle when you both were in the woods" she was just about explain him the damage that his half brother coused him but Hanseok spoke first.
"Is Hanseo arrested?" He asked Choi, his voice still weak from the impact of the bullet.
"No," Choi replied, her voice trembling slightly. "He said it was a mistake."
he processed the lawyer's words. He could feel the roughness of the sheets underneath him as his knuckles started to turn white from gripping the bed sheets so tightly. She must have noticed his sudden shift in mood because she quickly stepped forward and said, "Sir, you need to step forward, reveal your identity take over your real position," she continued to explain him everything he listened to her word thinking carefully until he felt Kiara stirred his attention went on her as she lifting her head slowly to face Hanseok. Her eyes, wide with fear and sadness, filled with tears that she valiantly tried to hold back. Taking a deep breath, she finally spoke, her voice barely audible.

"Hanseok." His name, spoken so softly.

"Is my Kiara worried about me?" He asked, his voice more teasing than he felt. He knew that no amount of joking could make light of the situation. Kiara didn't respond, but her expression spoke volumes

Hanseok looked back at Choi and said, "Get ready in twenty minutes. We're leaving."

Kiara's face held a look of alarm. "Where are you going? You're not--"

Hanseok cut her off with a gentle shushing - though his eyes held a determination that betrayed his sentiment. Kiara silently understood - the realization dawning on her.

"Are you... going to kill him?" She asked, her voice barely audible.

Hanseok's gaze softened, and he asked her, "Do you want me to kill him?"

Kiara was silent, her only response the tears that had begun to fall.

Hanseok shook his head. "Geez, what happened to you? You know I can't kill him."

Kiara looked up, her voice pleading. "But what he did... what are you going to do with him?"

Hanseok held her gaze. "Don't worry about that. I promise you I'm not gonna kill him.* He paused, looking away as she began "I told you so many times not to pressure Hanseo so much. Look what happened now. I told you you'd break him one day. What are we gonna do now? Fuck. This is insane, Hanseok. Do you realize-- "

He brought her into his arms, hushing her softly. "I know, I know," he murmured gently. "It's ok. We'll figure this all out. I'll take care of everything."

"You always say the same things than you make it worst" she said mumbling on his chest feeling the awkwardness of the angle.

"Hanseok think again we can do this later when you fully recover" Kiara said as they arrived at the compy every eyes on them "dame it" she cursed when Hanseok didn't seems to backing up from his sudden decision, "Kiara" she heard her name with the familiar voice she looked up and realised that she actually stopped walking they were already near the conference room "come here" he said calmly but she understood the order in his calm tone she hurried toward him, he looked down on her with fixing gaze and said low and firmly "stay by my side" that was it, he was serious. They all walked inside the conference room all the people in room looked confused by the interpretation, but Hanseo looked panicked his eyes went Hanseok to kiara again back to Hanseok and a low "sir" escaped from his lips.
"That's not how you do it. Do you think this is a telemarketing?" Hanseok said to Hanseo. Hanseok just stared at his elder brother without saying a word but someone asked "Hey, you. Who are you?" Hanseok attention shifted from Hanseo to them.
"Chief prosecutor Hwang"
'This is bad' Kiara thought to herself as Hanseok waved at him walked closer to him, Kiara eyes shifted to Hanseo who was also looking at her, she walked toward him, Hanseo moved closer to her and asked "why he is here?"
She didn't answer him "Kiara—" he stopped in mid sentence when Choi Myunghee start to talk he revealed Hanseok identity whole room filled with whispered unintentionally Hanseo held Kiara hand as Hanseok introduced himself  with a proud smile he announced he going to lead bable now on then he looked behind Hanseo who tried to avoid eye contact with him "my brother you have worked so hard until now" he said still smiling and Hanseo grip got strong on Kiara hand but she didn't say anything"come here" Hanseok said approaching him, he pulled Hanseo in a hug he was still holding Kiara hand she saw his distrous expression and change in experience too but she didn't able to hear what Hanseok whispered in his ear.


Hanseo waited for Kiara to came in the office everything got bad, Hanseok was right he should have been aim right if he killed Hanseok that day maybe after few months everything go back to normal for him but now he is alive, and he knew what he did was the worst situation he got out of his thought when door opened and closed after Kiara, he revealed a little that Hanseok was not with her, she glanced at him just for a second then straight walk toward her desk.

Hanseo followed her, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew the answer before he asked, but he had to try. "Kiara," he said, reaching out to touch her shoulder. "I didn't mean to kill him, it was a mistake. Please, listen to me."

Kiara stopped suddenly and spun around to face Hanseo, her eyes blazing with rage. "What kind of an idiot are you?" she hissed. "He's not stupid, he knows what you tried to do. He loves you, that's why you're alive right now." Her steps brought her close to Hanseo until his back was pressed against the wall. her finger pointing accusingly at his chest "Don't tell me it was a mistake," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "We all three very well know what happened."
He was trapped and he could she his own fear reflected in her eyes. In a small voice, he asked, "Is he planning to kill me?"

Kiara sighed, her anger dissipating. "No," she said. "I don't think so. But Choi Myunghee, has been filling his head with all kinds of ideas. And he's been listening to her."

The realization that this was beyond their control scared Hanseo more. "What should we do now?" he asked

Kiara looked at him seriously. "I... I don't know. I don't think he'll listen to me," she said, her brow creasing in thought. "And what you did... it was terrible. I can't even forgive you for that."

Hanseo was tempted to lie and tell her again that it had been an accident, but with one look at her face, he knew that she didn't believe him. She had grown up with them and understood him and Hanseok better than anyone ever had even themselves. Hanseo hung his head, the guilt and fear heavy on his chest. In a small voice, he mumbled, "I'm sorry."

Kiara's softened slightly at the anguish in Hanseo's voice, but she didn't relent. "Sorry doesn't fix this," she said. "You know that too."

Hanseo nodded, unable to look her in the eye. He wished if that day his were right this whole thing could be forget in few months but he did miss the shot and now he had to deal with all this thing, even Kiara got angry and his life was on a thin line now Hanseok revealed himself that mean after sometime he not going to need him all the pretending to love him going to vanish just because he miss the shot, Tears stung his eyes and he wanted nothing more than to be able to take back what he had done. But he knew that was impossible, so he bowed his head and replied to her "I know."

He felt Kiara place a hand on his shoulder. Her voice was gentle as she said, "We'll figure something out. We have to, for three of us."

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now