35, Part Two

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"Gosh, Hanseo," Hanseok said and put the hockey stick end on his shoulder Hanseo didn't look at him all the previous memories of hockey and his brother with him surrounded in his head he didn't look at his brother just eyes on the ground or out of his face. and the other hand Kiara was staring at them "I want you to fatten up the security around yourself" he told him "You are my Achilles heel"
"Yes, sir I'll do that" Hanseo replied still without matching his gaze. Hanseok eyes then went to Kiara "Let's go we are leaving" Hanseok announced "You are living with me", but Kiara was still standing blinking she remembered properly that this morning this man just put accusation on her and now he again act like as nothing happened at all anger bubbled inside her "No, I'm going back to my place"
He ignored her words. And walked closer to her looking at his face he said "You have blood stains"
She was so angry that when he reached out to clean the blood from her face, she pushed his hand away. She couldn't bear for him to touch her. She wanted to get away from him and never look back. "Leave me alone, I don't want to see you," she said then walked toward the car sat inside, and order the driver to drive he started the engine driving away, tears streaming down her face. She had been so humiliated by Hanseok's accusations this morning. He made her feel like she was nothing more than a toy to be used and thrown away. She couldn't believe his audacity to act like nothing had happened.
Hanseok was left feeling confused and hurt by her harsh words. He tried to understand why she had said such things. He told himself that it must be because he had been too lenient on her in the past, that's why she thought she could treat him that way. He felt a deep ache in his chest as he watched her drive away, knowing that she belonged to him.


Kiara opened her eyes and saw the unfamiliar ceiling of the house. She was on the bed, Before she could process the situation, she heard the door open and footsteps. Looking towards that direction, she saw none other than Hanseok, she didn't saw him for two days, he called her too many times but she didn't pick up his call or replied to his texts at all, he sat on the edge of the bed. She didn't know what to feel - reviled, scared, or something else.
Hanseok seemed calm, but Kiara could see the anger in his eyes. He touched her shoulder and said, "Don't blame me for this. You said you didn't want to see my face and you wanted to leave me. But you should have known I couldn't let you."
“Hanseok,” she called out his name.
Hanseok suddenly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the bed. Kiara was speechless. She couldn't believe what was happening. What he was thinking? What did he plan on doing? He grabbed a rope and tied it around her wrists, tightening it until it dug into her skin “Hanseok, what the fuck are you doing? Untie me now, you idiot,” Kiara yelled.
He looked at her with innocent eyes and said, “But if I do that, you’ll leave me.” Kiara was surprised by his words. She had not expected such an immature reaction from him. “Hanseok, I’m not leaving. I just needed some time to think. Now untie me and let me go.”
He raised his voice and said, "You will stay here until you understand that you can't leave me. I will not let you go."
Kiara was filled with fear. She tried to fight back, but her strength was no match for Hanseok's. He dragged her to the corner of the room and threw her down. He said, "This is what you wanted, right? To be free? Well, now you can be free. But you will stay here until you understand your place."
"Stop that Hanseok, why why are you doing this to me?" She yelled at him, tears running down her face
He sighed kneeling in front of her and said, "I'm afraid that if I let you go, you'll never come back to me." Tears began streaming down his face as he continued, "I never wanted to be so aggressive, but I'm scared of losing you."
Kiara couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had never seen Hanseok so vulnerable before. She realized that he only acted out of fear of losing her and that he was trying to keep her close.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now