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Kiara was about to knock on Vincenzo's apartment door when she heard a glass broken sound from inside she knocked hurriedly worried about what happens inside the apartment she also heard a news anchor's voice, the door opened and she faced serious-looking Vincenzo staring down at her for a minute then walked passed from her toward the stairs she hurriedly followed him he was angry there was no doubt about that he walked all the way to Namdo restaurant where the accident happened he crossed the police do not cross line going inside the restaurant Kiara just stopped outside staring at his back he was looking around the restaurant he looked at her direction but not at her and that thing made her more worried about his situation he took two steps forward mumbling something to himself then again he turned her back toward her and walked inside kneeling looking at the floor she took two step forward to look what he was actually doing. He saw him calling someone on phone he talked for a while then got up and walked toward her standing in front of her "are you okay?" He asked her still his face show seriousness, "I should have asked you this," she hit on his arm lightly and said, "are you alright?".
Vincenzo stared at her face for a minute then said "if I say no".
"No problem, it is not necessary that we should always be fine," Kiara said with relief a little with her worries.
He chuckled lightly "I think I'm feeling better now." He ruffled her hair softly Kiara wa standing still she didn't flinch like before "Miss Kiara Now tell me why did you knock on my door?".
"Oh! I had just returned from work, thought let's have dinner together" Kiara said with a smile "remember the promise I made in the morning".
"It seems that my luck is bad today, huh! what have I done," he looked at the sky and then at her "maybe I have drunk too much today, so... I can have dinner together tomorrow."
"I thought you were feeding the room with drinks," Kiara said.
"So you heard," Vincenzo said looking a little embarrassed. Kiara smiled a little "wow, I don't know you can be embarrassed too" she turned around "come on I'll cook some noodles for us", Vincenzo smiled walking one step behind her.
Vincenzo sitting on the carpet in front of the table Kiara sat on the left side near the sofa serving the noodles to him "you have a whole stack of instant noodles" Vincenzo said when she passed him a bowl "I used to work late so this is the fastest thing for cook" she told him.
"Hmm" he chuckled turning his eyes away from her face to bowl "thanks for inviting me," he said in low voice she smiled. They ate quietly but just for a few minutes because Kiara's phone rang Vincenzo looked at her phone that was on the phone he saw Hanseo standing with her both smiling happy photo of them together shone on the screen before she picked up the phone got up and walked a few steps away from him.
"What" he heard because Kiara almost shouted with shock her expression changed to worry "You are not alone are you?" She asked on the Phone glancing back at him "did you call the police?".
"Calm down, I'm coming, okay? don't panic, Hanseo" she said on the phone "I will call him on the way, don't worry." She hung up the call and then turned to Vincenzo grabbing her bag she told Vincenzo "I have to leave. So eat comfortably and lock the door when you go." and that's it she left him alone in the living room. Vincenzo check his phone and saw a message "so work is already done" he looked at the door and then started to eat again.

Kiara called Hanseok when she sat in the taxi and told him about a bloody pillow with multiple syringes stabbed in it found in Hanseo's penthouse even though she call Mr. Han too.
The taxi stopped in front of the building she pays to the taxi driver and rush into the building taking the elevator she walked toward Hanseo's penthouse door was open she walked passed the police officer and saw Hanseo sitting on the sofa in a daze, nervous was clearly visible on his face. He heard her heels ticking on the floor creating a sound different from other footsteps he looked up and saw her walking near him "Kiara" he called to her in a loud and nervous voice. Even police officers turned to look at them. She walked to him standing in front of him he hugged her waist immediately saying "I was so scared" she massaged his head lightly comforting him "I'm here now Hanseo don't worry" she told him in a soft voice, "it is terrifying" Hanseo told her.
At that moment they heard the most familiar and serious voice "sir" Hanseo released her waist looking at Hanseok's serious face and Mr. Han confused face, Kiara was the only one who had a neutral expression looking at Hanseok "can you tell us something else expect that statement any enemy you have or..." One police officer asked Hanseo who turned to him but didn't say anything at all so Kiara take the lead instead of him "no I don't think he has any enemy"
"What about Babel?" A police officer asked.
She looked at Hanseok and Mr. Han, Mr. Han, and Hanseok moved forward "they are company lawyer if you have any questions related to Babel ask them" she said then looked at Hanseo whose eyes was still fixed on Hanseok, while Mr. Han talking with police officer Hanseok walked hovering over them. he asked in a low voice that no one could hear "are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm feeling...better now," Hanseo told him but still his voice sounded different Hanseok looked at Kiara "don't stay here tonight, take him to my Vila".
Kiara stared at Hanseok face "I'm not feeling good" she said in low voice.
"Don't worry we gonna find out who did this" Hanseok replied.
Hanseo and Kiara both left the penthouse and went to vila.
After. Two hours Hanseok came to his Vila and was met with silence he walked toward the bedroom and saw Kiara and Hanseo sleeping on his bed looking peaceful, he smiled then slowly removed his coat and shoes and dropped the bag on the table slid inside the cover next to Kiara and slowly slide his arm around her waist he heard the 'humm' sound from Kiara "Did I wake you up?" He asked.
"What took you so long" Kiara mumbled "I had cooked ramen, we left for you too".
"Let's sleep I've already had dinner".
"Found out who did it?"
"No now, but don't worry about that, I'll protect you both"
"Hmm and I'll protect you Hanseok"

After finishing the noodles Vincenzo moved the dishes into the sink and stored Kiara's bowl in the refrigerator then he looked around at her living room then he walked toward her bedroom, bed was also same as his even her bedsheet and blankets color were also black, he saw photos on the wall, there was a graduation photo the CEO of Babel and her standing close to each other his arm around her shoulder with a huge smile on face looking at camera and Kiara was smiling open mouth holding two bouquets one was Daisy and other was rose closer to her chest. There was not only one photo of them together but lot even some with Jang Hanseo's mother "so they are friends" he said then looked at other photos but his eyes stopped at the photo of two boys and one girl standing between them and Mrs. Jang was kneeling on the floor with a huge smile on her face hugging three of them from the back.   One boy who looked older than two of them had a smile on his face and another boy was smiling nervously and the girl had a small smile on her lips. Looking at that photo Vincenzo thought 'they know each other from childhood and that other boy is probably Hanseo's older brother Jang Han Seok who is never returning from America even when his mother and father death he totally cut himself from Jang's family but questioned his why he did that and who Kiara is in reality?'

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