4. ON T.V

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"Chairman of Babel E&C Jang Han Seo was seen at a restaurant and bar with his charming and beautiful secretary Kiara today!"

"Don't they make a cute pair?" Comment another internee looking at the t.v screen.
"Aww, how lovely" Joon woo said glancing at the screen.
That intrner turned to him and said "Do you know that both were in the same school and college, think how close they are already."
"Very close" Joon woo muttered with a chuckle "by the way I'm leaving now" he left the wusang building walking into the parking lot he pulled out his phone and dialed Hanseo's number and sat inside the car tossing his work bag back seat.


Han Seo huffs but still manages to hold his smile in place as he walks out of the bar, Kiara was drinking herself away, mumbling incoherence against his chest. He carefully wrapped one hand around her waist and the other holding her hand as he walks towards his Cadillac.
"You shouldn't have drank that much." Hanseo said to her "If you can't handle it."
She looked up at his face with her deep black eyes "I never drink too much, I swear Hanseo" she mumbled softly "Just... now, a lot is... going on in my mind, I...just want to forget... a little.".
Hanseo sat her inside his car's passenger seat his driver looked at him "just wait outside, I'll call you in a few minutes" he said to the driver who nodded and walk a few steps away from the car Hanseo sat next to her and held her one hand, caressing his thumb softly on her hand "Kiara...it is because of Hanseok?".
"Yup...it looks like we're falling apart, you, me, and him...we..." She was mumbling on his chest "All this happened because of your father, he separated all three of us from each other, he made him like this, he made Hanseok...like that." He felt her shaking under his chest.
"Kiara...hey Kiara are you crying?" He asked her.
She looked at him, he saw tears in his eyes and at that moment his phone rung "hey don't cry Kiara" he told her pulling her back to his chest, he secure her on his chest with one hand and with the other he pulled his phone out from his pocket and saw "him" at the caller ID he hurriedly picks up the call knowing better that Hanseok didn't like to wait.
"Where are you?" The other side's voice sounds dangerously calm.
Hanseo looked down at Kiara being a mess, "Kiara and me just leaving the bar" he told him.
"Is she drunk?"
"Y...Yes," he shuttered he internally cursed himself for that he shouldn't be nervous so why is this happening to him?
"How is she?"
He caressed her black long hair "Tired, I'll drop her at her flat".


Hanseok went silent tightly clutching hands on stealing weel "Did you two dating each other?" He wanted to know desperately wanted to know whether what is shown on TV is true or not. Hanseo went silent but why?, Why didn't he answer "Hanseo you two are dating?" He asked again this time with an aggressive tone, demanding the answer from him.
He Breathed out closing his eyes sign in relief, "drop her, outside her plaza building, don't go inside and make sure she entered the building before leaving" he instructed him then ended the call, "cute pair," he muttered under his breath annoyingly.


Hanseok ended the call, Hanseo just looked at the phone, and Kiara, sleep on his chest. Soaking his shirt with tears, he immediately called his driver to drive to Gumaga Plaza.
Outside the Plaza
He woke her up helped her to clean her face even bought some medicine for her hangover on the way.
"Am I looking normal right now?" She asked showing her face to Hanseo "yeah looking pretty...normal" he said with a smile.
"Tell me the truth, didn't I look stupid?" She pouted innocently at him and he laughed "please...don't make faces like that".
"Goodbye Jang Hanseo," she said storming out of the car, he called her name after her but she just showed her middle finger to him. She walks blindly in the corridor dim light looking at her phone text fighting with Hanseo. While walking suddenly, Kiara's head collided with someone, she looked up at them. But she saw a man's back in a blue shirt, he slowly turned to look at her "Miss Kiara"
"Mr. Cassano" she looked at his calm face.
"You should look ahead while walking," he told her, she little bowed at him for apologizing "I'm sorry Mr. Cassano I will pay attention"
She was about to walk past him but she stopped when Vincenzo asked "Why are you living here?" She looked at him with raised eyebrows "why are asking me that?".
"Someone told me you are working with Babel and today I saw you and your Boss on news" he stepped close to her "I'm just wondering why Babel's CEO secretary living in a place like this?".
"Can we talk about it tomorrow morning, I'll be free from 7 to 8 in the morning" Kiara said then turned and unlocked her apartment door last time looked at Vincenzo but suddenly her phone started to ring, "goodbye Mr. Cassano" with that she entered her apartment and pick up the call "hey... Hanseok"
"Have you reached home?"
She locked the door and walked inside "Yes, I have just arrived".
"Are you tired?"
"Little bit" she lay down on the sofa "there is something you want to say,"
"Ahm!... Kiara"
"Yes, I am listening" there was silence from his side Kiara was also quiet.
"I...Why did you go to the bar with Hanseo, don't you know, we have to take care of his image"
"I just wanted to relax, so I took Hanseo with me, and it's not like that we've committed a crime"
"Both of you were on TV today, I agree that you both look great together"

Why are you saying like this"
"Like what?"
"Like...you mocking us"
"Of course I mocking you dumb girl"
"Goodnight" before she say something he hung up.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now