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Kiara came back to the office and saw Hanseo who was doing something on his laptop looking serious he just glanced at her when she opened the door then his eyes went back to the laptop.
She sat down on the chair opposite side of him with a soft smile on her face "did he say something to you?" She asked him he peeked up at him from the laptop for a second then again focused on a laptop screen "nothing special" he replied to her question "what about your meeting with Kang?".
She lay her head down on the table "strangely, he changed a lot... I think" she told him "he becomes more mature maybe that's why I felt strange".
"What about Hanseok? What happens between the two of you?" Hanseo asked her, looking at a file that Kiara send him on his laptop "hmm Hanseok it's complicated, I can't think straight" she admitted in front of him in his thought 'she was too confused about what she had to do with Hanseok, he is not that bad but his anger is something she wants to avoid in any cost but is soo hard to not to make him angry, she doesn't want to leave him but is she really want to stay with him?'


Song Kang standing outside of the hospital wing, heard her mother whining from inside all the guards guarding the hospital, "death is part of life Kang" his father's most trusted man Mr. Kim said to him when he walk through the door softly pathing on his shoulder, Kang's eyes were numb he already knew one day this going to happen he was ready for that he thought but now everything thing seems mess he wanted to cry but he had to stand strong for those people who looked up at him for future, he took his phone out and called holding his phone on the ear he waited to hear some song on a ring tone finally he heard the voice he desperately wanted to hear "Hello Kang".
"Kiara..." He finally said her name after a few seconds of silence his voice was small he knew he sound broken right now "Kang can we talk later Hanseo just told me uncle is really sick he was alone in the hospital, so I'm in the hospital right now" she told him hurriedly.
"Kiara I'm also in the hospital," he told her tightening his grip on the phone "I want to see you" she got silent for a moment "Kang I'll come to you after that okay don't worry, I'm just about to reach the Mr. Jang floor" he heard elevator sound "Kiara my...father...he...is dead".
"I'll be there after that" with these words she hung up his call He looked at the phone screen a tear rolled down from his eyes.
Time passes he was standing at the funeral of his father, most of the people already left only his father trustworthy people and his mom stayed in the cold night "Kang" Mr. Kim called "yes Mr. Kim"
"What do you want to do?" Mr. Kim asked him "think carefully you still have your mother and us".
"Don't worry uncle I'm not going anywhere, I'll take the position".
He was in the car again he called Kiara she picked up "Kiara-" before he could say anything she said "Hanseo's father is dead"
"Kiara I..." Kang said his eyes closed head resting on the car seat "yeah I know what happen I see in the news but Hanseo... is alone I can't leave him, I'm sorry I'll try to meet you actually I'll meet you tonight after I send Hanseo home"
"No need I'm staying with family today, you take care of Hanseo" he hung up the call.
He sighed losing his tie from his neck "uncle when will be a ceremony?" Mr. Kim looked back at him "next week, we are in a little hurry, I hope you don't mind that" Mr. Kim said, "we must have to get back to business fast as we can".
"I got it, next week" replied Kang.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now