49 part 2

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Kiara glared at Hanseok and Kang, who were sitting on the edge of the bed in their luxurious hotel room. Hanseo was seated on the sofa, watching them with interest as the doctors tended to their injuries. Hanseok had a bullet wound on his arm, but it wasn't too severe. Kang and Hanseok had both sustained bruises and scratches in their fight, but they were mostly on their bodies with a few on their faces.

As Kiara watched the doctors work, she couldn't help but feel annoyed at the two men in the room. They had always been hot-headed and impulsive, and it seemed like they couldn't even have a conversation without resorting to violence.

"Don't glare," Kang said without even looking at her. Hanseok rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by Kang's comment. Hanseo almost laughed at the two of them, but the glare Kiara shot his way made him stop.

"Why are both of you so hotheaded?" she said, her tone filled with annoyance. "You can't just go around punching people when you have a disagreement. Talk it out first."

"He hit me first," Kang immediately complained. "He didn't even bother to listen to what I had to say before he started throwing punches."

"Why should I listen to you?' Hanseok retorted, his expression cold and aggressive. "You were the most suspicious person at the scene, it's only natural that I would think you were involved."

"Involved?" Kang scoffed. "dont forget, I was the one who first came to your aid when Kiara was kidnapped. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have found her."

"Enough,' she said firmly, looking between the two men. 'You two need to learn to communicate with words, not fists."

Hanseo couldn't hold back his laughter any longer, causing both Hanseok and Kang to turn and give him a angry look.

"What's so funny?" Hanseok asked, his eyebrow raised in frustration.

"We just find it amusing that even after all these years, you two still resort to violence instead of talking it out," Kiara explained as Hanseo went quite.

Hanseok and Kang both looked sheepish at Kiara words, 

"We need to figure out who is behind all of this, not fight amongst ourselves. If it's not you, then who else could it be?" Kiara  asked, clearly frustrated.

"Just give me one day, I'll find out," Kang told her, determination evident in his voice.

Hanseo raised an eyebrow at Kang's statement but remained quiet. Hanseok, on the other hand, looked skeptical.

"I'll handle it. Just stay out of it," Hanseok said, his frustration was showing in his tone

"Yeah, sure. Why not," Kang said, standing up from the bed. He ignored the other two men in the room and walked closer to Kiara. As he reached out to touch her face, Hanseok grabbed his wrist firmly.

"I'm not going to eat her up," Kang said with a sly grin, trying to lighten the mood.

"I know that," Hanseok replied, his grip on Kang's wrist getting tighter. "But that doesn't give you the right to touch her."

"We'll settle this between us somewhere else," Kang whispered in Hanseok's ear, trying to provoke him. "I've already touched every part of her."

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now