38. part 2

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They got on the bike and Kang drove off. On the way, they stopped at a store and he bought her some new shoes. She thanked him as she put them on "I'll pay you for this"
Kang put his helmet on and said "Of course you will" as he waited for her to get on. With a gentle rev of the engine, they were off, the wind whipping around them as she held him with a familiarity that made him smile to himself. Even though the hold was slightly less tight than it used to be, it was enough to make him feel happy
He parked the bike and helped her off as they arrived at the police station. She looked at the station and then back at Kang, who was helping her remove the helmet. Without a word, she walked away with a worried look on her face. Kang felt a little offended by her action, but he knew that was something she was prone to do. He silently followed her as they neared the door. She tried to walk fast but her leg felt weak which made her pace messy and slow.
Just then, Hanseok stepped out the door, followed by Choi Myunghee. Kiara rushed to him and hugged him tightly, mumbling into his chest, "I'm so sorry." He hugged her back and said, "It's ok. I'm glad you're safe."
Kang could tell that Hanseok was put off when he noticed the leather jacket he had given her. He met the other man's glare with a smirk, not wanting to ease the tension between them.
Choi Myunghee noticed the tension in the air and cleared her throat to break it. She said, "Let's move from here." Hanseok nodded and guided Kiara with him to his car.
He glanced back to Kang following them still eyes on Kang whose smirk only served to fuel the tension between them "Myunghee will lead her to the car You and I have to pick up some drinks." he said. Hanseok threw his leather jacket back towards him who caught it before it landed on his face. He saw Hanseok giving his coat to Kiara, and it made him burn with jealousy but he covered his emotion with a smirk.
Kang knew what Hanseok trying to show, and he decided to make the situation more awkward, nonetheless. Before they were able to part, he tugged Kiara's hair behind her ear - a sign of affection that he knew would not go unnoticed by Hanseok.

Kang and Hanseok walked around the corner until they reached a convenience store. Hanseok wanted to buy drinks for him and Kiara, but Kang wasn't having it. "Why don't you just let me buy this for you?" he said, looking at Hanseok with a smirk.
Hanseok met Kang's gaze, not sure if he was being serious or not. He wanted to believe Kang was just being chivalrous, but he knew him very well, a darker suspicion gripped his heart. "I’m fine, I can buy my own drinks," he said firmly.
Kang just shrugged and grabbed some snacks for himself. "Suit yourself," he replied, picking up a few extra items he didn't need. "Kiara needs something in her stomach," he said, before turning to the cashier to pay. Hanseok followed him, his anger growing with each step. When they finished paying, Hanseok finally spoke up.
"You don’t need to buy anything for her I can take care of her very well," he said, his tone dismissive.
Kang stopped in his tracks and turned to face him. He gave Hanseok a knowing grin "I’m just trying to say that if you are truly able to take care of her," he said, "then I shouldn’t have been here, should I?"
"You... You stalked her that’s why you are here," Hanseok spat.
"Stalked her? Huh!" Kang smiled, his lips curled in a smirk. "Those words from your mouth felt useless", he took one step closer to him and whispered menacingly, "You think no one notices your obsession with her, your creepy acts." His smirk widened, "But you are wrong, I know your secrets"
Hanseok felt his blood boil. He stepped forward, ready to lash out, before quickly regaining control of himself. He just chuckled, "Oh, you really think highly of yourself Song Kang". Kang was unfazed by Hanseok's anger. He only stood there with an eerie calmness. Hanseok held his breath and collected his thoughts. "By the way I don’t bring you here with me to argue," he said, his voice low and threatening. "Let’s discuss like serious people, not some high school kids."
Kang just smiled, his brown eyes twinkling with hatred and disgust. "You mean like discussing how psychopaths can’t feel love, only anger? Is that what a serious person discusses?" He took one step closer to Hanseok. "You’re demonstrating it right now, how fascinating."
Hanseok felt a wave of anger flood through him and before he knew it, his fist smashed into Kang’s face. Kang just laughed. "You’re angry," he said with a taunting smirk, wiping the blood from his lip with his sleeve. "And you’re not even denying it."
Hanseok stepped back, recoiling from Kang’s smugness. He shook his head in disgust and uncurled his fists "Talking with you is just a waste of time" Kang felt an odd sense of satisfaction as Hanseok started to walk away. "You know I am not wrong" Kang called out following him "I met her parents a few days ago" Again Hanseok's step stopped closing his eyes Taking a deep breath he turned around again to face him "Where?" he asked.
"And why should I tell you that?" Kang asked with a smug smile "Why don't I tell this to Kiara myself? She might be happy to hear this?"
Hanseok's temper flared and his fists curled into tight balls. "So why are you telling me this?" he growled "If you don't have anything else to say then I am leaving because you are obviously not interested in hearing me" he turned around again walking away calmly but inside him, he was calculating all the possibilities that might be happen in future and enough to take everything from him. And the other hand Kang stared at his back his smile long gone he thought he had the best thing so he could able to control Hanseok for a while a strong thing but seeing his reaction didn't give him any satisfaction.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now