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"My shift is over," Kiara said to the counter of the Mart "I'm leaving now" she waved at the counter guy "goodbye" and left the Mart she walked to an old apartment building that just take 20 minutes to walk only, she entered the building and first she went to the tailor shop "uncle is my dress is ready".
He looked at her with a smile from the sewing machine "yeah wait to get it for you he moved to the hangar and pulled out a black suit dress and handed her " her you go girl".
"Thanks, uncle" she took the dress and paid her bill, and left the Store.
And finally, get to her appointment she unlocked the door but when she opened the door she was surprised because the light was on she stood at the door frame looking at her apartment for any sign of someone she pulled her phone out she heard footsteps from her bedrooms she just about to dial the police station numbers but her hand stopped when saw familiar face "you are late Kiara" said the tall man who stands at the doorway of her bedroom.
"Oh fuck Hanseok what are you doing here?" She takes a breath that she holding back "how you entered my flat?"  She moved inside to lock the door and put her thing on a small table in front of the sofa, Hanseok also moved and sat on the sofa eyeing her dress.
"I took the spare key from Hanseo," he said moving his eyes to her. She was drinking water and standing next to the refrigerator.
"Next time please tell me if you are coming," Kiara told him.
"I think we three are close but I guess I'm wrong," Hanseok said checking her dress, Kiara looked at him leaning on the kitchen counter, "you tell everything to Hanseo and even give him the spare key to your apartment but you didn't even call me in those months".
"Hey, you also didn't call me," she said and walked toward him and sat next to him he was looking at her new coat "What are you doing with my clothes?" She snatched back her dress and settled on the table.
"You didn't find some better place to live?" He asked her "their security is really bad and this apartment is not good at all".
"But rent is low so I'm good," Kiara told him.
Hanseok smirked, "so you didn't get any job?".
She playfully elbowed him "you already know that Hanseok".
"That's why I want you to work for me," Hanseok said, "it will be an easy job just follow my and Hanseo's commands".
" I don't want to do work in Babel," Kiara said she started to get up but suddenly Hanseok grabbed her hand pinning her down on the sofa he leaned close to her face Kiara was shocked by his action how much pressure he put on her wrist "what are—
"I waited patiently for you, I even made sure you didn't get any job but...you still denying me," Hanseok said his sound was rough, he was angry there was no doubt about that.
"You know I can't let you go...you know our secret Kiara...I want you by my side... safe and sound, why are you making this hard for me, just accept what I give you...you know I'm not good at being patience" Hanseok sit back straight on the sofa releasing her, she was still laying on the sofa shocked.
"You remembered what I did for you but look at you now, denying me" he chuckled dark aura surrounding them.
"From tomorrow at nine a.m join the company as Hanseo's personal assistant my dear Kiara".
"Don't be late" Hanseok said then got up and covered his face with his hoody and left her alone in his flat.

Few days later

"Wait I'll drop you," Hanseo said to Kiara when his driver stopped the car.
"No need Hanseo, how many times do I have to tell you that," Kiara said with a smile leaving Hanseo alone in the passenger seat "now I'm leaving otherwise I gonna miss the bus"
She headed towards the bus stop to get on the bus and took a seat she heard some girls giggling backside then she saw on opposite sides of her a man in formal clothes cleaning his face with the help of a window reflection.
She got off the bus at her stop, and saw that the man in formal clothes also got off, she headed to the apartment building that man still walking behind her, she entered the building and looked back at that man he was still standing outside just staring at the building, she just about to turn around but she saw Mr. Cho taking with the man they both started to walk towards her so she just went to her flat.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now