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"I'll be back in one hour," Kiara said from the door of Hanseok's study room he looked at her from his laptop and asked, "Where?"
"Ms. Choi called me, Hanseo is in..." She paused for a moment putting her words so it didn't sound too bad that was it "Right now Hanseo-
"I already know," he said looking at her properly "You can go" She nodded at him and left with a last glance at him.

When she arrived at the police station Hanseo and Choi Myunghee were already outside she thanked Choi Myunghee they separated the way Hanseo was quiet, he knew what he did was childish but he didn't have any other option he was terrified of Hanseok, he glanced at her face she looked serious he didn't dare to say anything at all.
"Fuck" she suddenly swear irritated Hanseo just stared at her as she spoke "You don't fucking have to do these things, he is not going to kill you, if you fucking behave"
"Huh! I'm doing what I think is right for me" he raised his voice despite not wanting to argue "What are even doing Kiara" he unbuttoned his upper two shirt buttons "he can't kill you, because he loves you, you going to be the mother of his child but me, but me...I am just a bastard child, his bastard brother, his dame puppet"
"Wow!" She said mockingly "I didn't know you think like that" She grabbed his collar pulling him harshly "You must hate us?"
"It doesn't matter even if I do"
She scoffed as she released his collar "You don't understand"
He fixed his collar and said "I don't need to understand"
The car stopped at the entrance of Vila "You making your own life hard if you keep pulling those stupid stunts" she told him as she opened the door "Think carefully Hanseo, you know I love you" Then she left him in the car, she didn't look back, all the things he said it running in her head, his worry, doubt emotions.
She opened the bedroom door and found Hanseok on the bed laptop on his lap Everythingg thing settled?" He asked as he glanced at Kiara,
"Yup," she said with a nod Are you still working?"
"Just finished" he replied. He closed his laptop put it other side and got up stretched his arms looking at her reflection on the dressing mirror, Kiara nervously glanced at Jang Hanseok from the reflection in the mirror. He had just taken a sip of water and Kiara cleared her throat before speaking.
"Hanseo needs therapy," she said hesitantly. "Should I...?" Before she could complete her sentence, Jang Hanseok had cut her off.
"Do you manage media problems?" He asked.

Kiara took off her watch and put it down, her voice trembling. "Yeah, don't worry. Nothing's going to come out." She was seemingly passive but Hanseok could feel that there was an intense emotion behind her words.

This only infuriated him to the point where he took a sip of water from his glass and slammed it down. "Then why are you talking about Hanseo needing therapy?" he hissed.

"Because he needs it!" Kiara snapped back, her voice raised with frustration. "What I don't understand is why you are so against it?"

He looked at Kiara, his eyes narrowing. "Why?" he asked. "Do you want to collect more reports?"

"No," Kiara replied quickly.

"You should know that the report of our therapies has been destroyed. But it is still with you, am I right?" He asked his voice cold.

"If you know, why are you asking?" Kiara said.

"Why is it so? I want to understand," Hanseok replied, his voice starting to rise.

Kiara had enough. She felt like she was losing control and anger flushed her face. "I don't have anything that reveals our past, your father already destroyed those portions of the report," she told him through clenched teeth. "Now can we talk about Hanseo?"

"You don't need to look out for him, I'll do that myself," Hanseok said, his tone filled with determination "Destroyed whole report you don't need to keep—

Kiara felt her blood boiling. How dare he? "Why can't I?" Her voice was raised and her hair was shaking, she always handled Hanseo's issues.

Hanseok stepped closer and looked at her with a piercing gaze. "Kiara, why is it so hard for you to just listen to me? He shot me and you are still thinking about him," he said, his face twisting in anger and jealousy.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now