34. Part Two

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Kang just arrived at the Opera house and he saw the familiar face, he walked toward them both hands in his pant pockets "Hm! I didn't think you'd be here too" he said looking at the man who didn't look pleased to see him here even a bit.
"what are you doing here?"
"I can ask you the same question, Mr. Cassano," Kang said still walking as they arrived at the second-level seats area, Kang looked down at the stage everything looked well organized then his eyes caught the sight of Kiara doing work like always standing at front row speaking to some news channel anchor, everything started smoothly but then he saw the hesitation in Hwang Min-Seong eyes and he saw him gazing at his left side and then he noticed the phone screen of Vincenzo's hand he laughed at that he walked closer to him "honey trap I see," he said smirking, the girl behind Vincenzo she seems exited but when babbling something holding binoculars in her hand ready to say something to him but she stopped before any word left her mouth her eyes got wide staring at Kang.
Kang, and Vincenzo both turned their gaze at the stage again when Hwang Min-Seong refuses to sign the deal calling Babel immoral and unreliable. Vincenzo was about to cheer but he stopped when he saw Kang chuckling at Hwang Min-seong's words "What a silly kid" Kang mumbled with a smile, Vincenzo raised his eyebrows again and turned his gaze to the stage and saw Kiara shared an encouraging smile and that soft touch on Hanseo shoulder when he looked confused with Hwang sudden change of attitude but he noticed one more thing her eyes glanced at the audience seats she smiled with closed eyes to Jang Joon Woo who also smiled back like everything was good nothing happened here then he realized something off about that whole smiling thing then, a woman waltzes onto the stage with her two little dogs. He saw her profile before Min-sung's mother the chairwoman of Shinkwang, She announced she'll sign as the chairwoman of Shinkwang Financial instead. "Power is strong than love sometimes" Vincenzo heard Kang comment as he leaves the Opera House. Kang looked at Kiara and Hanseok standing close together with lawyers her smile of success, Anger surged through him as he saw the two of them together, and he was determined to break them up. He would do whatever it took, even if it meant being cruel. He was convinced that his plan would be successful, as he was not going to let her go without a fight. His eyes met with Hanseok who just smiled at him then looked back at Kiara.


Hanseo was late he knew that so she brought the snacks and drinks for Kiara, he told her he going to help him to move out her stuff, and he went to the plaza people seems way too weird here and look at h with hateful eyes, he tried to ignore that as he walked toward Kiara apartment, and he met the Vincenzo who just came out from the next door apartment he looked at him with raised eyebrows but. Hanseo was determined to ignore him, but Vincenzo had the other plan "Oh you also come here, I thought only Kiara stays at your place" Vincenzo said Hanseo ignored him and walked toward Kiara's apartment door, he has the key with him but still he knocked on the door and noticed that Vincenzo was standing next to him "I also want to meet her" Vincenzo announced and at that moment the door opened and Vincenzo saw the most unexpected face opening the door Jang Joon Woo annoying attorney he also looked at him surprised and said "oh I never thought I'm gonna see you two together here" Hanseo just step inside when joon woo opened the door little wider and said "he is not with me" and now Joon woo eyes were fixed on Vincenzo with a smile "what are you doing here?" Vincenzo asked him, Joon woo smiled and only got happier "I'm helping Kiara move out, nothing special, and now your turn Mr. Cassano"
"I come to meet Kiara" and they both heard the loud sound of Kiara beaming happily "You brought my favorites".
half-hearted Joon Woo let him enter the apartment. Vincenzo always knew he was competitive and jealous, but he never imagined feeling so much resentment as he felt now, "hey you also here" Kiara's cheerful voice fell in his ears he looked at the small kitchen in the apartment Kiara was standing near the kitchen counter with Hanseo who didn't look happy at all with his arrival, "so you moving out" Vincenzo asked her, she smiled at him and replied "yup" Vincenzo was enraged and speechless. He had thought he had a chance with Kiara, but it seems to get in vain. Kiara's attention went to Hanseo when he whispered something into her ear, Vincenzo looked at the other person in the room who was just taping the boxes with a smile, suddenly he looked at him their eyes met for a second but then Joon Woo's eyes shifted toward Kiara, he walked toward her Vincenzo's eyes followed him, he heard Jang Hanseo voice "then I'll pack the photo frames from the bedroom"
"Do you want some snacks, Vincenzo?" Kiara's soft voice asked him "No, I'm fine" he responded to her
suddenly his eyes caught sight of a purple paper ring on Kiara's ring finger, he also noticed how Joon woo hand was secured around her waist and Kiara was holding his hand other hand smiling and talking with him, "Where are you moving out?" Vincenzo asked her controlling his anger, "With me" This time none other than Joon Woo replied proudly, Kiara looked a little uncomfortable and surprised by Joon woo reply but she didn't interject it either, He chuckled in annoyance and thought to himself, 'You chose him over us? What is so special about him?'
Hanseo was standing at the bedroom door frame watching Vincenzo. He could tell the other man was jealous and angry. It was clear that Vincenzo had feelings for Kiara, and he was struggling to accept that she had chosen Hanseok over him. strangely Hanseo felt sympathy for Vincenzo, but he also felt a twinge of jealousy. He wished he could be in Vincenzo's position then maybe his point of view could be different from now, but he knew it was impossible,
"so you are the one who put the paper ring on her finger," Vincenzo said he didn't want to sound harsh but when words came out of his mouth it sound harsher, Joon woo simply scratched the back of his neck and said embarrassedly "I was in hurry so... "
then Kiara beamed out with her cheerful voice "It was very cute when he made this ring for me in a hurry like it was our last day" she told him, "oh! That must be fun for you" Vincenzo said suddenly his phone rang and for the first time felt glad that Cha-Young called her he excused himself and said his goodbyes and stepped out of the apartment. As he walked away, he wondered "what he did to impress her that he, Jang Hanseo, and that man Kang didn't do".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now