7. Opponents

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Hanseo was sleeping peacefully on the bed, but he woke up to the sound of the door opening, he turned to look at the door, and in the dark, someone was seen coming towards his bed, he was panicked, but he got relaxed, all the nervousness was gone when the person in front called his name in low voice "Hanseo".
"Kiara you scared me," he said and sat on the bed and turned on the lamp, she was now standing next to his bed in front of him, and her face had no expression "move, make room for me," she said pushing his body to another side of the bed "he moved and gave her space she lay on the bed covering herself with blanket her back facing him, he slowly lay down on the bed facing her back "what happened?" He asked her, and she turned off the light without replying to him, and he moved close to her "Are you fine? Did Hanseok do or say something to you?". This time she turned around to face him "Hanseo you think he will leave us someday?".
"What happens? Why are you asking that?" Hanseo asked her.
"I don't know?" Kiara whispered.
"Come," Hanseo said opening his arm for her, she slowly slide close to him, and he secure his arms around her small frame and said in low voice "don't worry about him, Kiara" he lightly stroked her hair until she falls asleep, "I don't know Kiara, what he is doing with us" he mumbled to himself closing eyes inhaling her fragrance.

"What?" Kiara said loudly, Hanseo looked up from the file he was reading and saw her talking on the phone and getting ready to leave the office, she adjusted her shirt and wearing her coat, she took her handbag from the table and then looked at him "I'm leaving now Hanseo" she said with a small smile.
"Okay, but does something happen?" Hanseo asked her.
"Nothing just got the call from the development committee," she told him "as I told you they weren't able to demolish the plaza".
"So you are going to see what happing there?" Hanseo asked her.
She walked toward the door "actually I stayed that long because... I think if they succeed then I'm going to stay in your place but look they didn't so goodnight" she explained she walked close to him with a smile "and thanks...for last night" she softly kissed on his head.
"Kiara are you really alright?" Hanseo asked her when she stand straight. She blinked a few times looking at him "I'm good Hanseo, you don't have to worry about me okay," Kiara told him again smiling "now I am leaving bye" she turned and walked toward the door and opened and left saying goodnight to him.

She just got out of the building when her phone rang she pick up the call "where are you?" Hanseok asked,
"Outside the company" she replied walking toward the road "wait I'm coming" that was it, he hung up, her step stopped then a car stopped in front of her and the door opened "get in," Hanseok said his voice sounding serious without wasting any second she gets in and he started to drive "where we are going?" She asked when he didn't say anything to her
"You talk with the development department head?"
"Yeah I talked with him, he will do what he can".
"I don't think he can handle the matter," he said "you know an Italian lawyer also involving himself in the plaza matter and also he threaten our workers"
"I know"
"Why didn't you tell me if you already know about that" Hanseok asked.
"I didn't think he will go this far".
"Wow you and Hanseo both started to think a lot these days" he took a deep breath to calm himself down.
"Cha-Young went to Plaza for her dad I tried to call her but she didn't pick up my calls," he told her, Kiara rolled her eyes of course Cha-Young
"Are you worried about her?" She asked without thinking.
"Why are you asking that?" He asked her but she didn't answer him she turned to the window staring outside "Kiara, answer me, you know I don't like being ignored".
"You think I care about that," she said in her harsh voice.
He chuckled "so you don't care?" He stopped the car "get out" he ordered she looked at him "I don't want to argue with you Kiara...not right now when you all smell like Hanseo".
"Hanseok I-
"Just get out before I lose control," Hanseok said without looking at her.
"Hanseok listen- she again tried to talk but again Hanseok stopped her.
"Shut up Kiara," Hanseok said loudly Kiara almost backed up and hurriedly opened the door and step out of the car without wasting any seconds Hanseok drive away leaving her on the Road.
Kiara took the taxi to the plaza when she arrived there her all worry disappeared crowd and a small fair was going on she could believe that they organized a party or fair to stop them she walked deeply looking around all the celebration she took a Champagne glass took a sip.

Hanseok arrived at the plaza frustrated he clearly smell the Hanseo fragrance from her, he was angry frustrated he was controlling himself against his liking, he was taking things slow with her but now it looks like a waste. He should have known that his biggest opponent was going to be his own younger brother. All three of them were together since childhood, but Hanseo spent more time with Kiara. He spotted Cha-Young talking with a man but that man's eyes moved from her Hanseok also turned his head when Cha-Young also tried to look where he was looking and his eyes caught the sight of Kiara who just entered she smiled at herself walking toward the table and pick up drink she took the sip looking around then suddenly someone hit his arm he looked left side and saw Cha-Young "what are you doing here?" She asked in her loud tone.
"You didn't pick up my calls so I come to check on you," he told her again eyes moved to Kiara's direction and he also saw the man approach her smiling at her.

"I didn't think you would like the party," Vincenzo said standing in front of Kiara with a small smile.
"The idea isn't that bad," Kiara said with a smirk "I had a feeling that you would ask everyone to strike in front of the plaza"
"So I disappointed you" Vincenzo replied with a chuckle.
"Well, I liked this plan of yours too."
"I was thinking... that you are also trying to demolish this place but you are not even shifting from here, I wondering why?" Vincenzo asked she really made him curious about her.
She looked at his face "Don't worry, if I get time, I will shift as fast as I can".
"If you do shift then I might be more concerned about you," Vincenzo replied looking into her eyes for little affection she just raised her eyebrows like she enjoying the conversation but still there was not even a little affection like other girls show when he said something like that. But she just asked "Really?"
"What do you think?" He asked still looking into her eyes.
"I thought you would be happy if I left." She said.
"Then you are wrong in this matter"
"How strange is all this? Everyone here wants to get rid of me, but you want me to stay" Kiara chuckled looking away from his eyes.
"I want to do a lot of things but you won't like it, for now," Vincenzo told him.
"You talk to all girls like this" Kiara asked him.
"No you are special, Kiara" Vincenzo replied with a smirk ruffling her hair.

Hanseok glared at the pair from far away, how comfortably they talked with each other and how Vincenzo tried to make eye contact with her, he ruffled her hair she looked at him surprised Hanseok chuckled frustrated with their display.
"Hey stop staring at them, let's leave" Cha-Young smacked his shoulder.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now