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Kiara just took a sip of her coffee as the employees passed by her glancing at her and whispering to each other. Her phone rang in her coat pocket she saw the Hanseok caller ID she picked it up with a pause "Where are you?" He asked immediately, she closed her as she replied "Cafeteria, buying coffee" she replied.
"Okay come back to Hanseo chamber".
"Okay," she hung up after replied feeling tired all of a sudden she dragged her feet to the chamber and entered without knocking four persons in the room looked at her as she lazily waved her hand at them to start whatever they were talking about she sat down on the sofa resting her head on the headrest of sofa closing her eyes she heard them talking different emotions from them she had to admit the conversation is serious for them and the company. But she couldn't focus on them, she just closed her eyes listening to them.

Kiara... Kiara...
She opened her eyes front of her was Hanseok staring at her, "meeting is over"
"I know, I heard everything," she told him again closing her eyes. "Do you want to arrange a ceremony tomorrow?"
"Yeah," he said taking the seat next to her "I already decided what we have to do" he looked at her slowly wrapping his arms around her and cuddling her "Are you alright?"
"Hanseo, come here," he said Hanseo looked at them turning away from the window "Huh?"
"Come here, let's chat a bit then you can leave before us if you want," Hanseok told him, Hanseo made his way towards them.
"Tomorrow I am gonna takeover, so prepare yourself," he said looking at him with a serious face "Don't do anything stupid"
"Yes...yes sir"
"Good now you can leave," Hanseok told him then again looked at Kiara
Kiara felt the warmth of Hanseok's embrace as he cuddled her closer, but she couldn't deny the cold sensation that shattered her joy when she heard him say, "You look tired." She opened her eyes, her eyelids heavy with weariness; she knew that the source of her exhaustion was due to the turbulence and unease she had been facing for the past few days.

Hanseok looked at her with a searching gaze, as if probing her innermost thoughts. "Are you worried?" He asked, his voice low and intense.

"Maybe," she replied tiredly, her words barely a whisper.

He shifted her in his arms and looked her squarely in the eyes. "Me or Hanseo?" There was something sinister in his tone; it sent chills down her spine.

"What are you asking for?" She asked, her voice calm despite the intense moment.

"Are you worried about me or him?" Despite the coldness of his words, he seemed desperate for an answer; his eyes bore into her soul, waiting for a response.

Kiara took a deep breath. "Both," she replied emotionlessly.

She could feel Hanseok tense up, the grip of his arms tightening around her. "Choose one," he commanded in an authoritative tone, the coldness in his voice masking underlying fear.

"Why?" She asked, a hint of confusion entering her voice.

"Because...I hope not but maybe, in the future, you have to take one side. So me or him?" Despite his words, the fear in his voice was obvious.

"I don't know," she replied quietly, her eyes looking away from his.

He brought her hand to his lips, lightly kissing her fingers and then clasping her hand firmly in his own. "Just choose me. It has to be me," he said, despite the desperation that still lingered in his voice.

Kiara opened her eyes slowly, glancing up to meet his gaze. She tilted her head, studying his face carefully. There was an intensity in his eyes as if he was silently begging her to do as he asked.

"If you don't," he began slowly, his voice dripping with venom, "then I'll kill you both." He stared into her eyes, his gaze unyielding.

Kiara sighed but made no other movement. Instead, she looked back imploringly into his eyes and said softly, "I pray that such a situation never happens."

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now