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Hanseo was waiting at the family Vila for Hanseok and Kiara. He had noticed that the security around the Vila had increased drastically in the last few hours, and he was beginning to become scared about Kira being kidnapped. Hanseok had told him to wait for him at the Vila, and he promised he would get Kiara back before midnight. Hanseo felt apprehension as he tapped his feet on the marble floor, anxiously checking the time again and again.
Finally, Hanseo heard the sound of the door unlocking and he quickly got up to his feet. He was relieved to see Kiara entering the Vila and he immediately hugged her small figure tightly. Kiara returned his embrace, He could feel her shaking as he held her, but despite his shock and fear, he felt a powerful feeling of relief. Kiara leaned into his hug and they didn't say anything for a while as they just hugged each other. After a while, Hanseo heard his brother's voice from behind, "I fulfilled my promise, little brother."

Hanseo didn't know how to react to him so he just nodded his head, and Hanseo stood back, not quite knowing how to feel about his brother and not wanting to show any emotion out of embarrassment. Hanseok sensed the awkwardness in the room but He smiled opened up his arms wide and said, "Come now, give me a hug," just like they used to do in childhood. Although it felt a bit strange for them to hug now that they were all grown up, Hanseok refused to let go. He hugged Kiara from behind and then pulled Hanseo close to him, embracing them both together. After a few seconds, Hanseo finally relaxed as he closed his eyes and he felt he was experiencing the past good days that they spent together - unlike the current tense atmosphere between them that often seemed forced in other people's eyes. Hanseo tried to move after a few seconds but instead of letting Hanseo and Kiara go, he took them both into a tight hug. It felt strange for all of them, as this display of affection was completely unexpected.
He stepped back looking away from them "I'm sorry, it's all my fault," Hanseok said in a low voice, regretting the situation. "I should have been more alert and careful with both of you, but I failed."
"Why are you speaking like that? Taking all the blame on you without any reason?" Kiara asked, her voice breaking the seriousness of the dark vibe in the room.
"Because it is my fault. I wanted you both to rely on me, but I was reckless," Hanseok replied with a hint of sorrow in his voice.
Kiara tugged at Hanseok's sleeve, bringing his attention to her. He had been standing there, lost in thoughts, and she wanted him to listen.
"It's okay," she said, her warm gaze meeting his. "You don't have to take all the blame on yourself."
Hanseok shook his head, his eyes stopped at the sleeve of his shirt that she was holding lightly he freed his sleeve from her hand "But I should have been more alert. It's not your fault." His voice was slightly raised tight the dark vibe in the room intensified.
Kiara stepped closer to him, her heart sinking to see him this way. "What happened is not your fault," she said firmly.
"But it is," Hanseok replied, his voice now heavy and possessive. "I wanted to be the one who saved you, not Kang. And Vincenzo, he kidnapped you. I don't want you to be suffocated by what happened, but I can't let you.." He trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.
Kiara stepped in closer, her arms snaking around his body. A hug was the only thing she could offer in a moment like this. Silence settled for a few moments as she held him, her heart aching for him.
"I love you," she said softly, her forehead gently pressed against his chest. "You are mine, whatever happens in life you always belong to me."
Hanseok closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. His arms wrapped around her, squeezing her tightly to him. He took a few moments to appreciate the closeness and the warmth of Kiara's embrace before he finally spoke. He knew that she was aware of her touch's effect on him.
"Yes," he said in a low voice. "I belong to you."
Kiara smiled against his chest, feeling the warmth of his words wash over her. She held him a little tighter, never wanting to let go. Yes, Hanseok belonged to her and she belonged to him. Nothing else mattered.
"Are you going to cry?" She asked him softly stretching her neck to look at his face. It seemed strange to see Hanseok reacting this way, something must have really upset him, she thought as she silently tightened her grasp around him.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now