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"Kiara I was waiting for you, what took you soo long?" Kiara smiled at Mrs Jang voice closing the door she walked toward her bed holding the lavenders bouquet in her hands hugging the flower "how are you feeling mom" she asked with smile changing the flower from the pot that was on the bedside table "same as before" Mrs Jang replied, Kiara stopped front of the dustbin in the corner of the room she closed her eyes for second taking a deep breath throw the old flower in the dustbin and smile brightly before turning showing her smile to Mrs Jang "do not worry mom, doctor say you'll be feel better soon" Kiara said, sitting next to her on the chair Mrs Jang smiled and weakly moved her hand to hold kiara hand and settled their hands on her stomach and said still smiling "you don't have to lie to me, kiara, Hanseo just cried his eyes out here just few minutes ago", seeing the smiling face of Mrs Jang Kiara didn't let her smile faded she didn't dared to did that even she wanted to cry, her tears begged to fall from her eyes but she didn't let her weak self revealed "I'm sorry" this was the only word left Kiara lips, "hey! Sweetheart don't be sad right now, you can cry but after my death not in front of me not right now, understood" Mrs. Jang told her creasing her thumb over her hand slowly, "we are trying to convince Mr. Jang, Mom, Hanseo talking to him, he'll agree he has to agree just wait little more" Kiara said with confidence but her eyes show worry that was visible to Mrs. Jang, "Kiara" Mrs. Jang called her name Kiara nodded at her unable to say anything without shaking voice, "Kiara, take care of my son, stay in his life no matter what, you are the only I can ask that to do, he is... precious to me you know that, so please stay by his side, always and also Hanseo, look after him he still naive". Kiara smiled and replied  "I... I will always be with him, even if you don't tell me, I will be with him. We are family, family, don't leave each other alone".

Kiara standing in the corner wearing a black turtle neck dress her untie long black hair looked a little wet, eyes were red tears still falling from her eyes seeing Hanseo his father hand on his shoulder stopping him to cry, he was looking at the ground while his father talking with people around him like he was in a business party not in his wife funeral, Kiara felt disguised just looking at his fake sad face.

"She wanted to see him, you didn't let her see her son's face last time, what did you expect from me to respect you?" Kiara yelled at Mr. Jang, they were now at the Vila, " Mr. Jang glared at her angrily and shouted, "You don't even speak, you are just living here considering my house as your own, we should never have brought you here."
"Father" this time Hanseo yelled at his father first time in his life "Kiara is family," he said, but his father just got angrier "Family? Huh!, She is just a piece of shit we and her, not a family," he said then again turned to glare at her "do one thing get out of my Vila"
"Who even wants to stay
here, without mom there is any more" she yelled out and climbed the stairs to go in her room, Hanseo followed her ignoring his father's angry look, he entered the room without knocking and saw Kiara packing her stuff in a suitcase he walked near to her and asked "hey! What are doing?" She didn't say anything, not even glancing at him "Kaira stop that, don't listen to father", Kiara ignored his words again still packing everything that she needed to take with her "Kiara" Hanseo called her name but again he got ignored by her, he grabbed her wrist tightly stopping her she looked at him "please don't leave" he pleaded, Kiara grabbed his wrist of the hand that held her hand and said "look at me Hanseo" he did look at her "you know your father going to make my life hell if I stay, mom is not here for me anymore, Hanseo, so let me go" she told him, Hanseo bite his lips not wanted to let go and asked, "but..wh what about me?". She released his wrist and touched his cheek softly "Hanseo–" he cut her sentence before she say anything more and said, "What about me Kiara?, First Mother then hyeong then Mom, and now... you, why everyone leave me alone?".
"I'm leaving this Vila Hanseo not you, we gonna meet each other in college and everywhere except this Vila," she told him "I love you Hanseo and you know that so let me go right now". Hanseo released her wrist he knew his father never like her always tried to make things hard for her he understand her action but still it was hard for him "Then promise me, you never gonna abandon me" he said,  she hold his cheeks between her hand and squeezed lightly and said  "I promise you, we always gonna be together no matter what" he nodded his head, she again turned to pack her things Hanseo watched her packing zipping the suitcase on "where are you thinking of going so late at night?" Hanseo asked her, "I'll stay in hotel" she replied pulling suitcase down from the bed. "do you have money" he asked when she started to walk outside "of course I have"
"Do you need more?" Hanseo asked helping her to take the suitcase down the stairs "No, I have more than enough" she replied and opened the door ready to leave the Vila "Are sure about your decision?"
She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and took hold of the suitcase from his hand and said with a small smile "Yes, I am, now go and sleep we have classes in the morning". Hanseo hugged her and whispered "I'll see you in the class" She patted his back and replied "Yeah"

She was walking on the road on a quiet night dragging her suitcase and checking her phone for the near hotel she tried to call a taxi but she didn't find one 'fuck! why is soo hard to find a hotel here, and what happened with taxis today, and now I noticed I have no friends who can I ask for help, what he–' sudden rain surprised her interpreted in her thought "It is bad bad bad" her mind was messed she was soaking in the rain then sudden rain stop 'what rain stop but I still-' she looked up and black umbrella covering her body she turned around to look back and saw a man in black suit holding the umbrella over her head and his other hand in his pant pocket "don't look at me like a stranger, Kiara" she blinked 'do I know him?' he took one step closer covering himself fully under the umbrella with her and said to her "I saw you in the Mrs. Jang funeral," he stopped reading her expression that wasn't changed so he continued "but you were crying and I don't know how to comfort someone when they are... sad, so I just was looking at you." He told her, "Ohh!" Kiara was just able to say that looking at him he looked a little familiar but she didn't recall where she saw him "By the way, I'm Kang Song, if you don't know" he introduced himself with a charming smile.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now