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"my plan" Kang chuckled looking at Hanseok, 'Those eyes that light up by my question staring at me as if I'm his prey with that grin on his face, is he really thought all things out or is he just playing with me' Hanseok thought, "forget it, I'm leaving," Hanseok said turned to leave, "Do you know Vincenzo Cassano worked for in Italy?".


"What's on your mind?" Hanseok asked still holding her in his arm staring at her eyes staring at the photo of his dead father on the alter, "nothing" she replied still staring at the photo with a blank face "really?" He asked again one hand moved to her face making her look at him "sleep with me" he said softly, she smiled "okay" that word just left her mouth and in the next moment her back landed on the floor mattress and Hanseok hover over her and attacked her lips hungrily, she was got panicked by the sudden change of situation she tried to push him away but she didn't succeed when he bite on her lips to make her whine with pain ang gave him chance to thrust his tongue in her mouth exploring every angle after a while he broke the kiss Kiara was catching her breath while his mouth move to her neck kissing and sucking his one hand went in side her shirt top touching her skin "Hanseok what—" she started to say but he cut her off and said "you agree to sleep with me" he bite hard on her neck that made her screamed, she felt her blood dripping that his wet tongue lick the blood "I agree to sleep not for that" she said he move his head and look at her face with raised eyebrows "I asked for sex" he told her and before she said anything he kissed her this time she didn't protest his kiss, he made her sit without breaking the kiss and removed her shirt throwing randomly and kissed her again unbuttoning his own shirt once it was unbuttoning he removed it and went to her coller bone Kiara head moved to left side and her eyes caught the sight of alter suddenly she realised what she was doing and where with whom she looked down at  floor and said "Hanseok stop it's not the right time" Hanseok again looked at her "why?" He asked his voice was calm but his aura was totally different which made Kiara shiver even though she forget to answer when she looked at his expression "It's not like your first time doing sex, so why are you always stopping me or starting to cry?" His voice showed anger with a lack of reply "Are you playing with me?" That question made Kiara's eyes get wide 'Is he really thinking that I'm playing with him? What he is thinking of me? What is in his mind?' she thought and asked him "What do you mean?" He grins "What I mean huh!" He run his fingers through his hair "Why did you kiss him?" His eyes gazed at him dangerously 'fuck! He saw that he fucking saw that' her mind was screaming she gulped hard trying to think of something to say "What no answer huh?" His voice was laced with venom "Are you in love with him?" She knew she had to answer before he show his other side, the pressure of his grip on her shoulder increased with every second passed "Ha...n...seok..." She was whining in pain "Answer me" he ordered his voice getting Harsh which made her flinch 'No I don't love him like that, but he saw me kissing him, he saw that what should I say what? what? what?' "No, not like that," she said 'finally something escaped from my mouth' hearing her words he pulled her closed now she was seated on her lap he pulled her more closer to his chest "Liar" she heard even he said in a low tone but she heard and that made her heart beat fast crazily his finger moved on her Wound on her neck that he made it just a few minutes ago digging his finger on it making it bleed again that made her close her eyes shut biting her lips again position changed again she was on the mattress facing him in one Swift motion her pant was off thrown to the floor now she was on her panty and bra laying down under him.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now