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She got off the taxi and saw Vincenzo standing with Cha-Young outside the entrance of the plaza whispering with each other and glancing in one direction from time to time then she noticed the familiar car parked opposite the plaza building she walked toward the car and met with worried-looking Hanseo "Where were you for so long and why your phone is switched off? you know how much I was worried about you" he said holding her shoulders "Did something happen to you? are you ok"
"Yes, Yes I am fine and my phone is broken, I have to get a new phone again," she told him, "would you like to come in?" Signalled toward the plaza.
"Oh no, I can't, sorry, I have to call him and tell him that I have found you and... you are fine," Hanseo said walking with her toward the entrance and dialing the phone to Hanseok He immediately picked up he told him that she came back and looked totally fine then he hung up.
Turned to look at her she also did the same "Kiara, you have to talk to him, you know how his temper is." He said to her with concern she sighed "So I made you worry" she said lovingly while ruffling his hair.
"Kiara, what happened? Has he hurt you? If so...you can go away from here, like I said earlier. He is not the same Kiara, he is dangerous now." Feels the hand stopped on his hair she was in deep thought, after a few minutes she removed her hand from his hair saying "Don't worry we are fine"
"Kiara, I also wish that the three of us should always be together like we used to be in childhood, but..."
Before he could say anything, Kiara cut him off and said, "I think... I'm pregnant."
"What?" His eyes were looking at her with surprise and fear "Are you sure?", "Yes," she said, he couldn't believe his ears what he was hearing "Is this...is this child his?" He hesitantly asked her, Kiara did not give any answer to his question, but seeing her face, he understood, he was very angry at hearing all this, but Kiara's face, her eyes, this innocent face forced him to calm down. "does he know?" he asked, she shook her head, he closed his eyes for a second then open it and said "Let's go" Hanseo held her wrists tagging her along with him, his action made Kiara  surprised "where we are going?" She asked, "We need to make sure about...your situation," he told her.
"You are taking me hospital right... I mean we can—" she tried to stop him but he cut her sentence off by saying "Not hospital there are other ways too, we are just going to a shop".
"Ohh, yeah" she mumbled embarrassed by herself, she looked at Hanseo who looked worried and she understood why.


Hanseo woke up in bed alone he remembered they fell asleep last night on the bed mostly talking about the meeting, he has a question that he wanted to ask her but he also knew that didn't matter now. He remembered clearly how close they were laying down on the bed facing each other when she said "Don't worry about me too much", the feeling when he slowly run his fingers through her hair and replied "Do you think I'm able to do that?", "Hell No," she said with a smile closing her eyes this was the last thing he remembered about night before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
He got off the bed walking outside the bedroom he found the living room was also empty no sign of her then he looked at the bathroom's closed door he stood near the door there was no sound of water running so he called her "Kiara are you there?" And met with silence, he glanced at the kitchen everything seems too quiet again he turned to the door and called out "Kiara are you okay?" but again there was no sound, he held the doorknob and twisted it and it opened "Kiara" he called again and finally he saw her seated on the toilet seat looking lost staring at floor tiles, he walked near to her and saw what she was holding in her hand, he took the thing from her hand and saw the result he sat on the floor back pressed on the tiles wall one hand holding his head and other one holding the test, "fuck" a cursed word escaped from his mouth looking at test result.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now