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Kiara left the conference room, her every step held pressure she knew what happen just a few minutes ago 'it was not his act of love or romance, it was a threat, he was not telling her how much he love her or care about her, he just wanted her to know that she belongs to him and no one going to come in his way, she perfectly understood his every movement and  touch show possessiveness, what he desires what he want it's clear from the start, when they were a child because of Hanseok she never had any friends she mostly stayed with him and Hanseo, and whenever she tried to make friends he always charmed them and tell her that how pathetic they were they don't deserve to be her friends and right now he told her clearly no one else gonna enter her life he will going to make sure of that, past was proof that he is capable of doing that, my simple understanding and dirty feelings all mixed up in my head, I always tried to act like everything was fine but secretly I hated you, if only I haven't admired you from the start, If I hadn't told you that I would never leave you, only if I hadn't hold your hand that day, so many feeling that could be called regret, if I'd only admit it......and they all disappeared when I see your smile. Why you make me this weak?' that's all the thought was running through her mind. She opened the Hanseo office door, Hanseo looked at her standing at the table one employee also standing with him, he felt the rage in her eyes when looked into it, "leave" Kiara said to the employee who didn't make any move just stood there looking at her confused "are you deaf I said leave" she hollered, they immediately left Kiara stopped in the front of Hanseo and grabbed his tie pulling her down and kissed him, that sudden kiss caught Hanseo off guard he was so surprised and confused by her action he never imagined that type of moment special with her, his mind screaming 'what the fuck is happening? What gotten into her?' he grabbed her shoulders and pulled away she leaned on his chest, he wanted to yell at her, question her but he couldn't let himself do that, instead, he rapped his arm around her and hugged her without any word he could even able to hear her heartbeat running fast, he was moving his hand up and down on her back in slow motion to make her ease, they stayed few minutes like that "are you alright now?" Hanseo asked her when he felt her heartbeat getting normal, she didn't reply to his question, "You are really not gonna say anything" Hanseo asked her again, she snuggles on him shaking her head, "it's all my fault, isn't it?" He asked her in a low tone as if this question didn't even mean for her, she stretched her neck looking at his face chin delicately pressed to his chest, he felt the moment he looked down and saw her face, her eyes were looking like glasses with tears she was holding in her eyes that could fall any moment "I hate him" she whispered, Hanseo eyes went wide he never heard her say these word for him, even he done so much hateful thing but she never said she hates him 'what happened between them that lead her that way?' Hanseo thought got interrupted when she said her next sentence "I hate him so much, it's driving me insane, every single part of him is just so cruel, but even all this pain, I still want him" one tear fell from her eye sliding down on her cheek 'I know that feeling she feels right now, I also knew he is Cruel but still I see him as my brother who could do anything to protect me, the first day when I met him when he smiled at me that exact day I also met you that family photo we three took together with mom, Hanseok's mom from the that day we choose our destiny, if he is Cruel so what we are then, we three always do things just for us, it's always just three of us, even Kiara tears tell that even in all this pain she still choosing us, we can't run from that now, even if we try hard our best we always gonna end up in one place, this is our reality that we can't escape, this is our weakness' Hanseo thought looking at her, he wanted to cry too on her shoulder but he had to be strong for her right now. So He smiled wiping her tears from her cheek more tears started to fall he kept wiping the tears off "your eyeliner gonna be a mess, so stop crying".


Vincenzo standing outside of his apartment, glanced at Kiara's apartment door 'it was already midnight why she didn't come back from work, Is she planning to stay at that bastard place again, what so special about him?' he got more annoyed just by thinking about that "hell" he chuckled and went back to his apartment.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now