13. An Argument

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Hanseok driver just drove him home from school, he came inside the house and saw his Father first time at home in this hour curiosity took over his mind his father back facing him he just took two step near to him when he heard her mother voice that sound cheerful for others but he knew by the end of her tone that she was hurt and upset "my boy come here" she saw her mother peeking outside the dinning room toward him with smile "come and look your father brought a little half brother for you" she said, Hanseok walked near to them and saw a boy younger that him who looked terrified eyes fixed on the floor "Han Seo say Hello to you big brother" Hanseok watched how his father bend to boy level and said very softly he didn't even remember when he last time talk to him with love "come on say hey to your brother" that boy who probably three or two years younger than him looked up to him and said in low voice "Hello Hyeong" Hanseok almost laughed but covered his mouth on time but he knew his father and mother both noticed his laugh but he couldn't control himself after hearing that boy soft tone and Hyeong word that boy was really adorable.
"Do you remember your father's secretary who smiled at you every time you met her?" Mrs. Jang said, Hanseok nodded his head yes "she is your dad dear lover, and your new brother's mother".
"Hello namdongsaeng" Hanseok smiled at Hanseo and extended his hand toward him "do you want to eat something?" He asked.
"Great" Mrs. Jang said cheerfully getting up from her chair and clapping her hands together "Hanseok you remember last month when we went to the orphanage and you met with a girl who looked different from other girls" "Kiara" Hanseok whispered "yeah, let's get Kiara in our home too" Hanseok immediately looked at his father who looked shocked by her sentence and said, "you can't do that". She looked at her husband with a questioning face raising her eyebrows and asked "why not?" She walked near to him Hanseok got amazed by the sudden change in environment and Hanseo just got more terrified "don't worry my loving husband I'm not gonna adopt her... official if this makes you image lower..." She looked down at Hanseo who was standing between them she grabbed his hand and said "let go...son... let's celebrate welcome of New members of the Jang family" then she dragged the small kid with her, Mr. Jang looked at his elder son who just smirked at him before leaving him.

Vincenzo POV
I just got to the entered and saw Kiara she was standing near the entrance of the plaza searching for something in her bag, she look cute without any effort, I walked to her "Good morning" I greeted she looked up at me her black long hair move very smoothly, "good morning" she said back then again back to do whatever is she trying to find in her back "Did you lost something?" I asked her, she looked up again staring at my face she stood straight combing her hair with her fingers "nothing important" she told me with a small smile "Are you going somewhere?".
"Yeah, just a small business I have to finish" I replied, "going to the office?"
"I am going in the same direction, let's go together," I said with a most generous smile.
"Thanks for your offer but I will go on my own, the company car must have come to pick me up," Kiara said.
We walked outside and a black car was on the opposite side of us she looked at me with a smile and said "my car" she pointed at the car she was about to say something more but her phone started to rung she checked the caller id and immediately picked up the phone and again I saw the called 'idiot " on her screen 'who is that person?' and in two minutes I got my answer too she silently listen to the other person on her phone without too much expression but just for a second her expression changed she looked at the opposite side of us not at the black car but at the light blue car that was parked in the front of the black car then she again look at me "I have to go now" she said in hurry and started to walk toward the car saying a quick good-bye to me, I really got curious about that thing she said something to the black car driver then sat inside the blue car I got the Little glimpse of the man who was driving the car and now I got more curious.
End of Vincenzo's pov

"You are late" Kiara heard the Hanseok voice just when he opened the car door and sat inside "hey You have just called me, so how come I am late." Kiara said buckling the seatbelt Hanseok looked outside the window "I have been waiting for you for half an hour." He said, "What were you doing?".
"I first forgot my phone on the table so I went back to get it then I forget my key," Kiara told him with a pout.
"Where is your key now?" he asked and started the engine still glancing outside from time to time, Kiara stared at his face and replied with a sigh "I don't know where is key went after I locked the door".
"What a responsible girl," he told her finally moving his eyes on her then front.
"So fire me," she said with little anger "And give the job to some responsible person.".
"You know pretty well that I can't fire you," Hanseok said, "by the way you seem close to that Cassano man".
"We are not close at all he just lives next door," Kiara told him.
"Oh, really why does it seem different than," he said she raised her eyebrows at him confused "I saw at the party/fair you two talking with each other with a stupid smile then you also had dinner with him last night and now you both came out from plaza together" she felt that car got slow and he was pulling a car on sideway 'not again' she said to herself "don't tell me to get out giving a stupid reason that I smell like him" Kiara warned him he stopped the car "so you admitted that you slept with him last night," he said coldly she could feel aura got darker inside the car "No, what the fuck are sa- do you think I'm a whore" she yelled at him.
"Sleeping with some men didn't make you whore" he said unbuckling his seat belt. "What the fuck are you even saying Hanseok how do you even think something like that about me?" Kiara yelled again.
"I didn't say anything bad, you are the one who called yourself a whore"
"Then say no Kiara absolutely not you are not a whore, not sleeping with a few men didn't go to make you whore".
"I'm just saying facts," Hanseok said, "and I'm not calling you whore".
"Huh," she chuckled angrily "what do even think about?"
"Leave that topic for another day," Hanseok told her "look don't get close to him he just trying to use you".
"And how do you know about that?" Kiara asked.
"He is fighting against us for that plaza" Hanseok glared at her "and what do you think in how many days anyone can find out that you are the Babel CEO's friend and also secretary, who studied with him and also Babel foundation paid your school, college fees and you have one account filled with money that you never able to earn".
She stared at his face she didn't think about that at all but still, she was not an idiot who fall for anyone "you don't trust me Hanseok" she said in a little voice also like she whispered, "you think I'll betray you".
"Oh come on I never think about you like that," he said she looked away he extended his hand to touch her shoulder but she shrugged off his hand "don't touch me," she told him "Just drop me at Babel" he didn't say anything he just drove to Babel she got off the car without looking back she walked away but when she entered inside the elevator Hanseok was just behind her he also did the same and stood silently next to her like he didn't even know her, she also didn't say anything elevator stop she got off and started to walk toward Hanseo office room he did the same following her.
"You are late you know-" Hanseo said when he saw Kiara enter but his word stopped when he saw Hanseok come too, he got up from the chair "sir" he called him.
Hanseok glanced at him and then again looked at Kiara who just put her bag down on the table and said to Hanseo "get out and don't let anyone in".
"Huh! But sir-
"Just do what I tell you to do" Hanseok ordered, and Hanseo just glanced at Kiara and saw she was looking at him he knew it was not a good thing and Kiara also knows about that but she also knows he must have to do what Hanseok told him so he left the two alone in his office.
"So don't touch me it that what you told me" he approached her walking toward her Kiara was froze in one spot just staring at him decreasing the distance between them "do you think you can talk to me like that" he stopped in front of her moved his hand in her hair so slowly and smoothly "Looks like I've become too soft with you, haven't I?" His finger slide down touching her shoulder and slowly moved to her wrist Stop there "Do you know how hard it is for me to control my anger" he got one step closer now they only had a little gap between them "But see, still I was trying my best." He grabbed her wrist she looked up at him terrified "Is my grip too strong for you" his grip got more tight on her wrist tears started to fall from her eyes "You can shout, call him, maybe he will help you don't hold back".
"Hanseok...stop this..." She said in pain now she started to struggle to free her wrist from his grip but she failed she couldn't even move him suddenly he pulled her onto his chest other hand moved to her back to secure her close to him as he hug her but still his grip didn't lose even a bit "I tried Kiara I swear I did but... I can't control" he said, "Hanseok" she called his name,
"You...why do you always choose someone other than me," he asked and Kiara was stunned after hearing him.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now