35. Part One.

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As the door closed behind Vincenzo, Hanseok's smile vanished. He turned towards Kiara with intense eyes, his anger palpable. "Why did he come here?" he demanded, his voice laced with jealousy.
Kiara, feeling Hanseok's anger radiating off him, knew she had to tread carefully. "He's just my neighbor, Hanseok," she replied, her voice steady. "Not even a friend."
Hanseok's hatred was evident in his voice as he continued his interrogation, "Does he come here often? Have you two slept together?"
The accusation hung in the air, causing an uncomfortable silence in the room. Kiara's eyes widened in disbelief. Fear gripped Kiara, but she refused to let it silence her. "Really, Hanseok? Is that what you think of me?" Her voice trembled with a mixture of hurt and defiance.
Hanseo, who had been watching the argument unfold from the doorway, couldn't bear to see them tear each other apart like this with their gaze. He stepped forward, his voice calm yet firm. "That's enough, Hyung. This isn't fair to Kiara."
Hanseok's gaze shifted from Kiara to Hanseo, his anger momentarily redirected. "Stay out of this, Hanseo," he spat, his voice dripping with hostility.
She stood her ground, staring directly into his eyes. "Is this really the opinion you have of me, Hanseok?" she countered, her voice sharp. "You know my character, you know who I am."
Hanseok's anger boiled over, his voice now raised. "Just give me a straight answer, Kiara!" he yelled, his temper getting the better of him.
Hanseo watched silently after his brother's words to him. his eyes filled with concern. He knew that if his brother and Kiara stayed together, Hanseok would never be the right person for her. But she chose him it was her own choice.
Kiara stared back at Hanseok, anger and hurt pulsating through her. "No, we didn't sleep together," she finally replied, her voice tinged with frustration "Are you satisfied now?" She didn't spare him another glance she straight went to her bedroom and slammed the door shut, Hanseo was standing there outside her bedroom door he looked at Hanseok who run his hand through his hair frustrated suddenly their eyes met "Did I get overboard?" Hanseok asked him.
"You need to calm down. Kiara doesn't deserve this. We both care about her. You should be more considerate about her feelings" Hanseo told him his eyes pleading with his brother to see reason. But Hanseok intense gaze scared him out and thankfully Hanseok gaze shifted as he spoke "Last night when she defended you in front of him, I noticed the disappointment on his face but I also noticed one more thing in his eyes" he again looked at Hanseo "betrayal, it was betrayal but why he felt betrayed by her?". Hanseo was confused, he was too busy last night that he didn't notice anyone closely.
"I'm leaving," Hanseok announced and picked up his coat from the sofa and headed to the door "Don't forget tonight's meeting," he said closing the door, Hanseo was just watching the door after he left to make sure he was not going to come back, then he knocked on the Kiara bedroom door he waited for second to answer but got none so he twisted the doorknob, he saw Kiara covered in the blanket laying down on the bed, he sat on the edge of the bed and said softly "Kiara... Hey Kiara" he shook her body lightly when she didn't answer to him again she didn't respond he lay down next to her his hand around her waist and get closer to her he slowly removed the blanket from her face and saw her closed eyes soaked face from tears he touched her face "does it hurt?" He asked her and again met with silence.
"Open your eyes at least let me see," he said soo softly and she did open her eyes that looked red from crying "Why are crying, you know he can be a Jerk sometimes"
She made a sobbing sound that made Hanseo more worried about her, he hugged her tightly and let her cry on his chest.


The four of them arrived at the restaurant Hanseo glanced at Kiara and asked in a low voice so the other two couldn't hear them "Are you alright?", She replied with a nod "Yeah, I'm good, but you don't get anxious okay".
Before they get inside Hanseok called Hanseo so he can hear the conversation.
The meeting started and seeing that two sitting opposite of them pissed them off too much they endured smiling at them, she glanced at Hanseo's smile that little laugh then she glanced at the phone on the table she didn't feel too good about that how their conversation going on. After two and half hours meeting finally over standing at the back parking. Finally, the two morans sat in their car ready to leave "Get home safely Mr. Hawang, Mr. Seo" Hanseo said with a little bow Kiara was standing just next to Hanseo.
"Thanks," Mr. Hawang said then his eyes went to Kiara "Smile more Ms. At least then we can think about being friendly" Mr seo giggled at his word and Choi Myunghee make an audible sound at his comment and Mr. Hwang's eyes went to her "And Myunghee, your saleswoman" again he looked at Hanseo "if you need anything let me know through her" with some few more words exchange they finally left, Kiara already start walking toward the car when Hanseo said "let's have an after party, follow my car"
She sat in the car on the passenger seat, and Hanseo did the same sitting next to her "Hanseok planned something?"
"Probably, after all, they crossed their line" he looked at her "and you know we do not only have Babel Pharmaceutical we have other things too but everyone only focusing on this"
She replied staring at her phone screen" because we need help only in this not in others".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now