34. Part One

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"Something on your mind or do you want another room?" Hanseok asked when he plop down on the bed looking at Kiara's face, "no I'm fine" she said stopping her step in front of him still looking like her brain was still busy figuring out something, Hanseok's hands held her waist pulling her closer to him between his leg almost trapping her, "are you worried about Hanseo, I know he was spacing out a lot today" Hanseok said but she didn't react at his word, "actually no, I'm thinking about..." She proceed to say but stopped and looked at his face still thinking.
"Don't you think you should buy me a ring now?" She asked making Hanseok gasped, "So you just want a ring?" He asked her, she crossed her arms on her chest and said with a little pout "No, I think we should just get married now" her heart was beating fast she didn't plan to ask him but at the moment she did what came in her mind first and she knew she couldn't turn away.
He stared at her in disbelief. He had never expected someone like her, so kind, gentle, and a little wild, to want to be with someone like him. He knew that she deserved better, and yet here she was, standing before him in his bedroom, wearing his clothes that were far too big for her, asking him to marry her. He felt a warmth in his chest that he had never felt before and he knew that this must be love.
"So you want to marry me now?" He smirked when he asked her,
He had always known that she was too good for him, and he never expected her to stay by his side for so long. But she had, how much he seem confident but he scared too felt jealous too whenever he saw her with anyone other than him he felt angry that he wanted to kill everyone who dares to approach her.
"The thing is that... I don't want to marry Jang Joon-Woo" she said, he raised his eyebrows "I want to marry you Jang Han-Seok".
"What's the difference in that?"
"Huh!" She smacked on his head not too harshly "Why you don't understand" she pouted again, "hey don't hit me, just explain yourself" he said.
He pulled her into his arms. He felt her body trembling in his embrace and he knew that she was scared of his reaction. He looked down into her eyes and said softly, "I never thought I would be able to feel this way, to feel something like love. But I do. I love you and I will marry you".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now