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Kiara raced towards the hospital corridor where Hanseok was being treated after being shot. Her heart raced with fear and anxiety as her mind raced with thoughts of a hundred and one possibilities of what could have happened out on the hunting trip he crossed the path with doctors she saw Hanseo standing outside of the room looking very tense and Mr Han and Choi Myunghee also their.
Kiara looked at Hanseo and broke down into tears. She was angered by what he had done, and she was trying to comprehend why he had done it. Hanseo saw her and he started, as if he hadn't expected to be seen.
"Why did you do it?!" she shouted at him.
He looked away, unable to face her. "I'm sorry, Kiara," he said softly even though his voice sounded more frightened "I saw something in the forest and I panicked. I didn't mean to shoot him..."
Kiara could feel her anger bubbling within her and she punched Hanseo in the chest, her fists trembling with fury. "Liar! You knew you were going to shoot him, didn't you?"

Hanseo looked at her with a mixture of regret and guilt. He knew that if Kiara found out his real intentions, she would never forgive him. "I'm sorry," he said again. "It was a mistake, I swear."
"How could you have been so stupid!" she said, her voice shaking with barely contained rage. "How could a 'mistake' even happen?! Explain it to me!"

Hanseo flinched, shame evident on his face. "It's my fault, I'm sorry," he choked out. "I just-it was an accident. I never meant for this to happen. Please forgive me."
She asked, "How is he?"
Choi Myunghee said "Sir is bleeding excessively due to a bullet in his liver but the doctor saved him, he is out of danger"
Kiara stepped forward, her voice growing louder, "You almost killed him! Didn't you think about that at all? What kind of a person does something like that?"

Hanseo bowed his head solemnly, "I was wrong. I am so sorry, Kiara." He had looked her in the eyes and said it was an accident, but she knew there was something more to it.

Kiara shook her head slowly and glared at him, "I am grateful that he didn't die. But I can never forgive you for what you did." She sighed deeply, her anger slowly dissipating. "I should be angry," she whispered emotionally, her gaze transfixed on the hospital room door. "I'm just gonna talk about this later. right now I just want to know if Hanseok is alright"

She entered the room and saw Hanseok on the bed eyes closed face looking peaceful, she stood next to his bed she held his hand softly just staring at his face. Hanseo watched her from the doorway with a heavy heart he couldn't stand there too long he rushed outside and Choi Myunghee entered the room slightly hesitating "When is he going to wake up?" Kiara asked.
"I'll ask the doctor" Choi Myunghee replied leaving the room and leaving Kiara alone with Hanseok, Kiara settled on a chair next to him still holding his hand and prying for him to wake up. When she saw Hanseo she noticed the blood on his hand and the tears in his eyes but anger made her behave like that. She couldn't help but remember the day when Hanseok saved her and took the blame on himself just to protect her.


Kiara had been alone in the classroom for a while when the senior boy entered He sneered at her and started to move towards her, making her step backward until her back hit the edge of the desk. "It's too hard to see you alone, where is your bodyguard" the boy said She knew what he was thinking, that Hanseok had abandoned her now and that she was easy pickings "Do you want a new bodyguard I can protect your body" he looked at her body head to toe She knew what was coming, and she was terrified. "Better than them, come closer"
Kiara ducked her head nervously as the boy advanced on her, a malicious smirk on his face He grabbed her roughly by the shoulders, pushing her up against the wall. The boy ripped open her shirt and she snapped. With fear and rage coursing through her veins, Tears of fear welled in her eyes, and she lashed out blindly with the only weapon she had - the pen in her hand.
It went into the boy's side with a sickening thud. He clamped back from her, shock and pain washing over his face. She had killed him. Eyes wide with terror, she scrambled back away from the body as much as the small room would allow.
Kiara's hands shook, and her breathing was ragged from the adrenaline. In a panic, she started trying to wipe the blood off of her hands, but it kept appearing. She was so far gone in her own terror that she didn't even hear Hanseok come in.

When Hanseok saw the boy lying on the floor and Kiara standing there, her shirt torn and her hands covered in blood, his expression hardened. He knew who the boy was, and he knew why he'd done this. He had wanted Kiara, and he had thought, wrongly, that since Hanseok wasn't around, he could take advantage of her.
His face filled with horror and guilt as he took in the scene before him. He slowly moved towards Kiara, not even sparing a glance at the boy on the ground. Wordlessly, he placed his jacket over her shoulders and gently prised the pen from her trembling fingers, and said, calmly, "Go wash up in the restroom and wait by the door for me. I'll handle this."
Kiara nodded mutely before stumbling out of the room. She didn't know what had just happened, or what Hanseok was going to do, but the fact that his jacket was keeping her warm and that he was taking charge gave her just a bit of comfort. her body still shaking from the shock and fear of what had just happened. Hanseok watched her go before turning to face the body.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now