14. What Now?

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Hanseok felt her movement and struggle stopped even he loosen his grip on her but she didn't move not even a little bit he knew her mind was blank by his word her all focused on him, he always like that moment between them, a smirked formed on his lips when he look down at her head he knew he won the argument, Kiara was frozen on the place after hearing his word she didn't expect him to say something like that, her mind gone blank she clearly heard their heartbeats getting fast beating in sink and clock tick tock sound making even more hard to think about anything for her, she get back to herself when Hanseok phone rung he moved a little but still one hand on her back he released her wrist she heard he said something in Joon woo voice and finally he released her she looked up at him still in daze "I have to go let's talk later" he said that softly completely different tone from before looking at his phone screen she didn't reply she didnt even understand what just happened he hurriedly left the office she breath that she was holding without realising Hanseo entered the office without delay and walked toward her worried he titled her head looking at her face then her neck for any sign of injury "does he hurt you?" He asked holding her hands then she hissed in pain he looked at her hand and saw the mark "what he did do to you?".
"He likes me," Kiara said looking at his face Hanseo didn't look surprised but he looked scared staring at her face for a minute silence fell between them, "leave the country," Hanseo said, "you know he is no good".
"I can't" she breathed out "Hanseo if I leave he going to kill you".
"Kiara you know him, he...he is a psychopath, he can't love, he just... obsessed with you" Hanseo hissed angrily at her "do you understand what he gonna do with you,".
"Hanseo just shut up and let me think," she said and sat down on the sofa Hanseo walked away, Kiara looked at him and disappeared into the bathroom she called after him "Hanseo..." But he didn't reply to her, she sat in silence deep in her thought 'what now, what does she have to do, reject him is out of the option, running away is a bad idea, even if she doesn't know if she wants to run away or not' Hanseo stood front of her with first-aid kit on his hand looking at Kiara face deep in thoughts he sat down next to her taking her hand in his hand, she looked at his face he slowly applied jell and massaged her wrist slowly and lightly "do what you want Kiara, just don't get hurt" Hanseo said softly "you both are my family, but...you are more important to me, so don't get hurt". She touched his cheek with her free hand he looked at her face, and she smiled and said"I love you Hanseo", he looked back at her wrist and said with a jocking tone "don't say that".
"But I love you," Kiara told him, "yeah yeah I know but still it feels weird," said Hanseo and he packed up first aid and got up "it's gonna be better okay" she watched him get in the bathroom then come back and walked toward his desk "let's get back to the work," he said seated on his chair.
"Okay," Kiara said looking away from him.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now