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"Take a deep breath, try to relax" Kiara instructed Hanseo who was following his word taking deep breaths "Aaah...! I can't this is stressing me out," he told her sweating with nervousness sitting in the car back seat with Kiara, she wiped his sweat for his face and open the makeup and started to apply on his face "you have to look pretty and handsome," she said with a smile "don't think too much just do what we planned okay".
He looked at her they made eye contact she smiled he smiled back but still 'he felt nervous but didn't want to make her more worried everything was important to them he knew They can't make any mistakes he have to satisfy Hanseok no matter what'  "here we are, be ready" Kiara told him, he took a deep breath one more time "let go" he just took one step out from the car door and he could hear the voices and flashing cameras sound  The light of the shining camera had started falling in his eyes, different types of questions kept ringing in his ears, His heart was beating fast in his chest but he kept his face steady with a smile on his lips he glancing back for see that Kiara just right behind him she nobbed at him to assure him that he was doing good.
"Babel chemical has succeeded in developing BLSD" she read the banner while entering the building "I hope we won't regret it, idiot" she stood in the back with other employees looking at Hanseo hearing his speech his voice sound a little bit nervous but overall he was doing well he finished his small speech started to shake hands with researchers she was smiling looking at him but suddenly one of the researchers cough blood on Hanseo face and fall on the floor she hurriedly run to Hanseo "Hanseo" he looked panicked he glanced back at the researcher "take him to the hospital," she said loudly then again looked at Hanseo "what the hell?" Hanseo yelled Kiara held his arm "get the car fast" she ordered then started to walk outside she handed him a handkerchief "clean your face media was making everything hard clicking pictures like dogs "fuck" she cursed in low voice, the car stopped in the front of them Hanseo sat inside she did the same when they were inside Kiara took the handkerchief from his hand that was now covered in blood she searched his suit picked that found the handkerchief and started to clean the blood from his face and neck "it is bad it's bad..." Hanseo was reaped the same sentence again and again she get more frustrated by every second "drive fast" she yelled at the driver "stop panicking, it just blood you are alright" she tried to assure him but clearly that's not working they arrived at the hospital he went check up she stopped outside trying to call Hanseok on the phone but every call went to voicemail she got more angry and frustrated she enter the room doctor came to her and whispered "it is just blood but he keep insisting for blood checkup" she shake her head looked at the Hanseo who was explaining something to nurse "do every checkup he want" he said that to doctor then walked to him he also looked at her "Kiara look they are not listening to me" she shushed him calmly "don't wory just relax Okay they are going to do what you want so don't worry" he listened to her but still his face showed how worried he was "don't worry about anything I'm here to Handel everything" her phone runged "doctor check him" she said to doctor then again said to Hanseo "I'll back in a minute okay so just try to relax" he nodded she walked back outside and picked up the phone "mam we took him to the hospital what should we do now".
"Let dr. Na handles him he knows what he has to do, and don't let any media person to met him only allow one family member or friend, keep your eyes on him for now" he instructed them then hung up the call she again tried to call Hanseok but again his phone runged but no one answered the call, she leaned on the wall with a deep sigh "where are you, idiot?".


"Cha-Young–" called Hanseok when they got out of the restaurant and watched her go with Vincenzo like an old couple "huh! I miss her"  He mumbled to himself then he took out his phone from his pant pocket and saw that he had received several missed calls from Kiara, and without delay, he called her. She picked up the call "Where are you been all day and why were you not picking up the call, do you know how many times I called you," She didn't let him say a single word. Her voice was full of anger. If he had been in front of her she might have already killed him "Do not dare to say that you were busy with work, if you were not at work today, you would have known what happened."

'What happened today?' He thought while listening to a continuous angry scolding from her "you guys ruined today's plan didn't you" he said suddenly other side Kiara went quiet for a minute he was waiting for her to say something  after a few minutes he heard her small laugh "You don't care how we are, all you care about is that your plan doesn't go wrong, HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO US–?" She yelled at the end of the sentence he heard a sobbing sound "where are you?" He asked her "Kiara" Hanseok heard the Hanseo voice on the other side of the phone "are you alright?"
"Are you at Hanseo place?" He asked but didn't get any answer he only heard Hanseo's voice "are you crying?" Then the phone call ended he immediately checked the news "fuck why does this keep happening to me?". He immediately got the taxi and went to Hanseo's house, he knocked on the door waiting, the door opened and standing in front of him was Kiara her expression was serious "Kia—" before he even says her name properly she slapped his face but before he reacts she hugs his waist tightly her head was on his chest "I was so scared" she whispered he was shocked by her action that he didn't even react for few minutes he was looking at her head he slowly moved his hand to hold her he creased her hair softly hugging her "don't be scared".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now