Chapter 2

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chapter 2

    Qin Siluan was very well behaved. Even when he entered Jiang Ling's house, he didn't look around casually. Holding his schoolbag, he stood cautiously at the entrance, his big eyes only daring to stare at Jiang Ling.

    After Jiang Ling walked a few steps, she turned her head and saw that she was still standing there, beckoning: "Come in."

    As if he had been granted amnesty, the child moved a few steps forward, but he still didn't dare to have too much. Actions.

    Jiang Ling was a little speechless. Is this child really the same person who slapped people and grabbed people's clothes just now when they disagreed? The ferocity on his body was gone at the moment, instead he was like a lamb to be slaughtered, timid and innocent.

    "Don't be too restrictive, you can just look around and move around."

    Jiang Ling is actually not very familiar with the house, but after experiencing so many worlds, she will not show her unfamiliarity when she arrives at a place. After sweeping, I got a general idea of ​​the situation of the whole house.

    The house is not big, the whole is simple log style, the kitchen and dining room are on the left side of the entrance, the living room and balcony are on the right side, a corridor in the middle is the same as the bathroom, and two rooms, one large and one small, are distributed symmetrically on the left and right sides of the corridor. One has a bed, a wardrobe, a bedside table, a balcony, and the other has two rows of bookshelves and desks, probably used as a study.

    Jiang Ling was quite satisfied with the overall style of the house, but the hygiene situation was a little unacceptable to her.

    She walked into the bathroom, adjusted the water temperature, and then beckoned to Qin Siluan who was still standing in the corridor: "Put the schoolbag on the chair first, and come take a hot bath."

    Qin Siluan was a little embarrassed and obedient. Putting the schoolbag on the chair in the dining room, he walked slowly towards Jiang Ling.

    "The south is hot water, and the north is cold water. The water temperature is adjusted by yourself. These are new bath towels. You can use them. You can wear slippers. I also brought you a new short-sleeved and underwear, which should be clean. Yes, let's deal with it tonight."

    Qin Siluan listened carefully to Jiang Ling's explanation, but this kind of gentle treatment made her somewhat uncomfortable, so her attention was not entirely on the bathroom equipment. From time to time, her eyes turned to the sister who was not much older than herself.

    "Is something on my face?"

    Qin Siluan shook his head quickly, looked back, and lowered his head.

    Jiang Ling felt strange and walked to the bathroom sink. There was a huge mirror in front of the makeup cabinet. When she saw her face inside, she couldn't help but froze for a while, with a black line on her head.

    The face in the mirror is still her own face, just a little younger. This is designed for the convenience of their taskers. Each task uses the tasker's own face, and the appearance is based on the age of the character set in the task, so Jiang Ling has no discomfort with this face, but what makes her uncomfortable is that her face is now covered with all kinds of colorful eye shadows, and her eyelashes also have thick mascara and eyeliner, which are washed away by the rain. The flowers are early now, which is the scene of the disaster, and her hair is still golden and pink.

    It's not a disaster anymore, it's a horror movie.

    Fortunately, the child still had the courage to follow her home.

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