Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

    After two lives, this is the first time that Si Luan has encountered such a situation. She blushed     in disbelief, "Senior sister...are you kidding me?" If you want to be reprimanded, if you want to sleep in the same bed with your senior sister, you will be disgusted by the senior sister and drive away, but now? Senior sister actually asked herself to undress for her?

    Jiang Ling raised her eyebrows: "Don't want to? Forget it, I'll do it myself, you can go out."

    "No, I'm willing."

    Si Luan said hurriedly, she blushed and stepped forward, not even daring to walk. It's too loud, for fear that the senior sister will be unhappy again, and that the senior sister will drive him out again. Walking to Jiang Ling's side, she carefully untied Jiang Ling's clothes, the red wedding dress slowly slipped, revealing the devastated skin, the sweetness in Si Luan's heart disappeared, and only heartache remained.

    She gently caressed Jiang Ling's wound with gentle movements, for fear that if she exerted force, it would cause pain to the people in front of her.

    "Senior sister..."

    Si Luan's eyes turned red, she murmured against Jiang Ling's back, and kissed the already imperfect skin with her lips.

    Jiang Ling paused for a moment, then bent his lips and smiled: "Aren't you healing me? I'll be fine soon."

    Little Phoenix nodded desperately: "Senior sister, you will be fine, no matter what. I will make you feel better no matter what."

    Jiang Ling never doubted her determination. It's just that after this injury is healed, she can't accompany her for long.

    With all her clothes off, she slowly stepped into the tub. The red potion soaked in the rotten and festering part of her body, which unexpectedly made her feel a little comfortable. The red spiritual power slowly repaired the terrifying wounds on Jiang Ling's body. . A warmth lingered around her body.

    Jiang Ling was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and asked softly, "Is this your blood?" The

    man behind him who was about to pour water on Jiang Ling stopped and nodded slightly.

    Phoenix blood, although it is fire attribute, can also make dead bones grow muscles.

    Jiang Ling's heart moved slightly, and he slowly sank his body into the spirit bucket, letting every inch of his skin come into contact with the water in the bucket. Si Luan gently pulled up her long hair behind her, followed it one by one, carefully and carefully, she was careful and exerted force at every turn, lest it would hurt Jiang Ling.

    After soaking for a while, Jiang Ling came out of the water. Xiao Siluan immediately wiped her body clean. She wanted to carry Jiang Ling back, but Jiang Ling still didn't agree and insisted on walking back.

    Returning to the room where he was staying, Jiang Ling glanced at the spiritual barrier and said with a smile, "Remove that barrier, I won't run away again."

    Xiao Siluan lowered his head to give She pulled the quilt without saying a word, but every movement of her body was expressing her reluctance. Jiang Ling was a little helpless, it was up to her. After eating, she patted the bed and asked with a smile, "Do you want to sleep together?"

    Si Luan: ?

    She looked at Senior Sister in disbelief again, Jiang Ling looked at her with a curved lip and still asked, "Don't want to?"

    Xiao Siluan shook her head quickly, but did not climb onto her bed immediately, instead she was full of vigilance. Ask: "Jiang Ling, what's wrong with you?"

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