Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    Jiang Ling relaxed for a while on the way to buy breakfast. She thought that she had finally made up her mind with the child. As long as the child's distorted character was brought back to the right path and helped her find the meaning of her life, then the next five or six years would be Time, she is not unable to endure.


    A ding sound suddenly sounded in my mind, and Jiang Ling stopped instantly. There was ecstasy on his face.

    She heard it right. Although it has been three years since she heard this voice again, she still heard it at once. This is the voice of the system!

    She immediately turned on the portable screen, and sure enough, a string of codes were popping out on the purple screen, and across the middle of the screen was the large characters [System is connecting].

    Jiang Ling looked at the long-lost light screen, and tears almost fell out of excitement.

    [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...]

    [Ding~Your system is online! 】

    When the system's face slowly emerged and his eyes slowly opened, Jiang Ling was about to jump up in excitement.

    "You goddamn Jiang Xiaoruan, you are finally online! Do you know that you have hurt me!" The

    system looked innocent: "Be considerate and considerate of me, an old man who has suffered for the ninety-ninth generation with you, who Let you build it with a system mission and not repair it for me, so my internal aging and failure."

    Jiang Ling pretended not to hear Jiang Xiaoruan complaining about the fact that she was cheating.

    "What about your entity? Why does it appear as an avatar?"

    Generally, systems appear as electronic avatars, and they can't even display their own face on a light screen, just a cold data packet. But Jiang Ling's system is different, because she has experienced 99 worlds with her, and each world has reached the S level, so it has been upgraded to an organic system. It has its own emotions and thinking, and even took it for itself. A name, and can transform his own entity according to the plot of each world, and follow Jiang Ling to do tasks.

    They can share their thoughts and communicate with their brain waves.

    It is also because of Jiang Xiaoruan's company that Jiang Ling will not feel lonely in so many worlds.

    Jiang Xiaoruan spread his hands: "The physical transformation function is still being repaired. I was afraid that you would be too boring without me, so I rushed back in a hurry."

    Jiang Ling was a little satisfied after hearing this: "You can count on it. Well, we will Now share the plot information."

    Jiang Xiaoruan: "Oukeke..."

    Jiang Xiaoruan read Jiang Ling's brain waves, and everything that happened in the past three years was scanned into its task storage package, but only scans After about half of it, Jiang Xiaoruan couldn't help but burst out: "No! Big sister, why did you mistake the protagonist. No, how did the protagonist become like this?!" The more she scanned the back, the more she cried. sharp.

    Who can tell her that in just three short years, how could a gentle, kind, honest and lovely heroine become a paranoid who clings to Jiang Ling and cuts her wrists to threaten people? !

    This plot is so twisted that the gods don't even know the fuck.

    Jiang Ling's eyes were about to roll to the sky.

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