Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    Jiang Ling came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and cleaned the room before turning on the phone. Fortunately, Yuan Yuan did not make harassing calls again. This woman is really amazing. She came to borrow money from her and made repeated harassing calls. If it was blocked, she could find other numbers to bombard her. Jiang Ling couldn't stand it and shut down the phone.

    She opened the communication record and found that there were two or three missed calls and WeChat text messages from Qin Siluan.

    19:03 [I am at KTV. ] A photo of the KTV box is attached at the back.

    19:04 [This place is a bit messy, I'm quite scared. Poor.jpg]

    19:09 [Where are the people? 】

    It is estimated that he made a few more phone calls after seeing that he did not reply to the letter.

    Time is quite dense.

    Jiang Ling originally wanted to make a phone call, but considering that he might be singing, he probably couldn't hear it, so he returned to WeChat.

    [Just taking a shower. Be safe and call me if something happens. 】

    She put down her phone and walked back to the bathroom to dry her hair when the phone suddenly rang. It was really Qin Siluan's call. After pressing the answer button, he put the phone on the sink, and tore off the mask, intending to apply a mask to blow his hair. Just after the mask was put on his face, Yuan Yuan's voice came from the other end.

    "Jiang Ling!"

    Jiang Ling's hand stopped instantly, and the mask on his face was twisted together.

    "Why are you? You and Qin Siluan are together?"

    Yuan Yuan smiled proudly: "Your little lover is here with me, she drank a little, and now she is a little confused, you see it's you who brought her Should I find someone to take her back?"

    Jiang Ling was particularly resistant to the word "little lover", but this is not the point, how could Qin Siluan and Yuan Yuan be together? Did Yuan Yuan steal her phone or...she didn't really believe Yuan Yuan's words.

    He evenly flattened the mask with his hand, applied it to his face, and then pressed the record button. "Want to use Qin Siluan to ask me for money? Do you think I'll trust you if you steal a cell phone? Are you stupid or I'm stupid? Let me see if she is with you first."

    Yuan Yuan immediately put the phone away . Picked it up, turned on the camera and took a picture of Qin Siluan.

    Qin Siluan fell on the sofa, his head was a little dizzy, but the situation was not serious.

    She didn't trust Yuan Yuan, so she was always on guard against Yuan Yuan from the moment she entered the box. Sure enough, as soon as she entered the door, several big men rushed over behind her to control her and pour alcohol into her mouth. Something should have been added to the wine, Qin Siluan didn't resist desperately, just pretended to be weak and put the wine in his mouth, poured it on the sofa, and secretly spit it out, no one noticed all this.

    She had already determined that Jiang Ling was not kidnapped, and she was relieved while she was always looking for an opportunity to prepare to run away.

    But who knew that Yuan Yuan actually wanted to use her to blackmail Jiang Ling.

    The moment the call was made, Qin Siluan's mind was extremely clear. She suddenly didn't want to run away. She wanted to see how Jiang Ling would react when she found out that she was tied here by Yuan Yuan. When she thought that Jiang Ling might be at a loss and panic because she was worried about her safety, she suddenly became a little excited.

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