Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

    However, the Myriad Beasts and Spirit Mountains are extremely dangerous, and if she enters alone, she will never be able to save Senior Sister, so she must report to Master and the others. She immediately called back the team of inner disciples who went out to find Senior Sister, and hurriedly walked to the hall.

    At this time, the door of the hall was closed, and several elders were still healing the master. Ming Hua was pacing outside the door, anxious to death.

    While she was worried about Master's injury, she hoped that the elders could carefully treat Master's wounds, but she was also worried that if it continued like this, the danger on the elder sister's side would increase.

    She boarded outside the door all night, and when she was in a dilemma, the door of the main hall opened from the inside.

    The second elder and the fifth elder came out from inside.

    Minghua was overjoyed and immediately greeted him. After hurriedly performing a master salute, he asked urgently, "Second Elder, how is my master's injury?"

    Feng Su breathed a sigh of relief, and a slight smile appeared on his face. Meaning: "As long as you take a rest for more than a month, it     will be fine. Don't worry."

    When Minghua heard the news, a huge stone fell in her heart, and she finally felt relieved, "Can I go see her?"

No. Your fourth uncle is doing the final healing for your master inside."

    Minghua's face was a little disappointed, and then she told the second elder: "Second uncle, I already know where senior sister is, She is in the Spiritual Mountain of Myriad Beasts, let's go to rescue Senior Sister immediately. I am afraid that Senior Sister will be in danger if she is taken away by the devil." The

    second elder heard the sound and immediately said anxiously, "How do you know she is in the Spiritual Mountain of Myriad Beasts? "

    Ming Hua was about to say that it was Senior Sister's cat who told her, but in the blink of an eye, she saw Jiang Xiaoruan winking at her, and she immediately replied smartly: "I sensed it, the bracelet can still sense it before." A trace of senior sister's spiritual power. But it has disappeared now. The last direction of her spiritual power is the Myriad Beast Spirit Mountain. Besides, didn't you say before that the devil was picked up by the senior sister from the Myriad Beast Spirit Mountain? She definitely has nowhere else to go after leaving the Spirit Sword Sect, and she must have returned to her original place."

    Jiang Xiaoruan couldn't help but want to give a thumbs up after listening to Ming Hua's words.

    This lady is really good.


    Feng Su pondered what Ming Hua said, and felt that it didn't make sense.

    Si Luan is a phoenix. She has been in the Spiritual Mountain of Myriad Beasts since she took the form of a human, until Linger picked up the Spirit Sword Sect. Now, where else can she go besides returning to her original nest? Maybe Linger is really there. Maybe... I can take this opportunity to inflict heavy damage on the Phoenix Immortal Beast, so as to avoid future troubles.

    Just can't be so reckless.

    He had to plan in detail.

    Killing this Phoenix Immortal Beast must not be done by their own sect.

    "Minghua, you go back to your Ziwei Peak first, we need to take a long-term view on this matter."

    Mingyu was puzzled: "What does this need to be discussed in the long-term? Now Senior Sister is at stake, the more late we go, the more risk we have. The

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