Chapter 42

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Chapter 42


    It was finally night, and the group drove to the racing spot. Bai Mengluan sat in the passenger seat of Jiang Ling, feeling a little complicated. She looked at Jiang Ling frequently, but the woman beside her was calm, Controlling the steering wheel, there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth.

    "Why do you keep staring at me? Are you worried that I will lose you?"

    Bai Mengluan shook his head: "No."

    "What is that?"

    Bai Mengluan lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "You and Lin Is Yu Gambling for me? That's why you set such harsh conditions and deliberately insult him?"

    Jiang Ling raised his eyebrows, still shaking his head: "No. It's just to see him upset."

    Bai Mengluan was a little dejected She lowered her head, but she also knew why Jiang Ling would do something for herself, "Yes, you will never agree to any of my requests, and you will never take me seriously."

    She said disappointedly.

    Jiang Ling burst out laughing: "You say that as if we have known each other for a long time."

    Bai Mengluan shook his head and twisted his fingers, "Actually I don't know, I always feel that we have known each other for a long time. Jiang Ling, you If it weren't for my sister, I really like you so much that I don't even know why, obviously we didn't know each other before we went to the variety show recording site, but the first time I saw you, I thought To have you, I sometimes feel inexplicable with this kind of strong love."

    Jiang Ling listened to Bai Mengluan's whispered confession, as if she was talking to herself, and she seemed to be confiding with Jiang Ling about her deepest heart. ideas. She couldn't help turning her head to look at the girl beside her. She lowered her head, and her two handsome pigtails fell to her ears. At this moment, Jiang Ling seemed to see Qin Siluan who was lost because of her rejection. , Si Luan, who is pitiful because of his reprimand.

    Jiang Ling tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

    "You will have someone you like in the future. You don't have to waste time on me. You and I are not from the same world." This was her most serious advice.

    In fact, the little green tea doesn't play those little tricks, and it's still very pleasing to look at this face.

    Bai Mengluan shook her head, "No way."

    She leaned against the car door and looked at the continuous peaks and mountains on both sides of the road, thinking to herself: In this life, except for Jiang Ling, she will never fall in love with anyone else.

    If the future is not destined to be this person, then everything will be meaningless.


    It took more than an hour for the car to finally reach the destination. When Bai Mengluan got out of the car and saw all the things in front of him, he realized that Jiang Ling was indeed not from the same world as him.

    They were in an old industrial area at the foot of the mountain. Before they came, there were dozens of people waiting for them. They were a group of people dressed in colorful motorcycle clothes and shirts, with earrings, nose rings, and lip rings. The men and women with smoky makeup, strange makeup, etc., cheered and whistled when they saw Jiang Ling and Bai Mengluan coming. There was a mess under his feet, all the wine bottles left after drinking, and the rubbish produced by eating and drinking, so dirty that Bai Mengluan felt that he would soil his shoes when he stepped on the ground.

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