Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    No one asked about the details of the battle that day, as if the talented little junior sister who stayed in Lingjian Mountain for more than a month just disappeared out of thin air. But from that day on, the atmosphere of the Lingjian sect suddenly became much lower.

    Several elders retreated from time to time to practice. The little junior sister Ming Hua led the disciples to practice day by day. Within a month, she successfully broke through the foundation establishment, and her cultivation level rose again and again. Now ten years later, she has successfully completed the golden elixir.

    And the elder sister Jiang Ling has been staying on Xiaoqingming Peak to recuperate after her soul returned to the body, and she has never been off the peak in the past ten years.

    On this day, after leading the disciples to practice, Ming Hua went to Xiaoqingming Peak. As soon as she got to the peak, she saw a figure standing on the edge of the peak, looking into the distance.

    The man stood barefoot on the undulating ground and did not seem to feel pain. The long black hair fell down to her calf, and she was casually tied with a green ribbon behind her head. She was dressed in a plain white long gown, but she couldn't wrap her thin figure. The white cat beside her also lay weakly on the ground, accompanying her.

    Seeing this scene, Ming Hua felt a little sour in her heart.

    "Senior sister."

    She shouted, and the man turned around, the face that used to be gentle and quiet, now only a fiasco and bloodless. When the empty eyes saw Ming Hua, they focused slightly and smiled.

    "You're here."

    She walked slowly into the courtyard, her former vigor disappeared, and now she was so weak as if the wind blew and collapsed. It was only a few steps away, but she walked for a long time. Ming Hua couldn't bear to step forward to help her, but was rejected by this man with a wave of his hand. She walked laboriously into the courtyard and sat on the rocking chair, panting slightly, her eyes closed, and it took a long time to calm down.

    Ming Hua felt uncomfortable in her heart, and patted the woman's back to help her get better. While asking: "Senior sister, are you all right?"

    Jiang Ling waved his hand, a smile appeared on his face, trying to prove that he was not that weak: "I'm fine, but my body is a little weak. After walking two steps, I will be out of breath, and my body is more than usual. It's a bit cumbersome and makes you worry." She looked at Ming Hua embarrassedly, for fear that she would cause trouble for others.

    Ming Hua's eyes were sore, she quietly turned her back and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and quickly shook her head.

    The voice was choked: "Senior sister, don't say that, if you keep saying that, I won't want to talk to you." In the

    past, the big sister took care of them, but now, she only comes to see her every day, but the senior sister always feels that Trouble yourself.

    This senior sister is always thinking of others and the good of others, why doesn't she think about herself more?

    The more Minghua thought about it, the more fiercely her tears fell, and she couldn't stop crying in the end.

    Jiang Ling waved her hand and motioned for Ming Hua to go over. Her hand gently fell on the top of Ming Hua's hair, gently stroking her hair and comforting her. Just like when I was a kid.

    "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, don't you think I've lasted for ten years? I believe in me, I can live for another ten years." In fact, Jiang Ling could only lie to Minghua with this sentence. Her body has not held up for less than ten years. In the plot, she is also about to go offline. It is estimated that it will only be three or two months.

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