Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

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    her voice was so low that she seemed to be muttering to herself.

    "I've liked you for nine years, why do you hate me so much?"

    Jiang Ling frowned.

    Qin Siluan's mood is so wrong now, she looks crazy, and her words make Jiang Ling feel suffocated.

    Like for nine years? Nine years ago, she was only ten years old, still a child, how could it be possible?

    But soon, she calmed down, her eyes did not have the confusion before, but looked at Qin Siluan calmly, waiting for her next move.

    Although the current Jiang Ling is tightly pressed by Qin Siluan, Qin Siluan feels that the one who is being controlled is herself. Any little change in Jiang Ling's mood can arouse her turbulent waves.

    She stopped crying and stared at Jiang Ling.

    Jiang Ling's eyes now made her feel so hopeless. In the past, whenever she cried, Jiang Ling would always feel distressed and panic, but now, even that little emotion is gone. Qin Siluan was even more irritable. She frantically wanted to sense any emotion of Jiang Ling, but she didn't, there was nothing.

    Jiang Ling's face is like a still wave, and his eyes are like a secluded pool, as if scrutinizing, scrutinizing and ignoring.

    She was a little anxious, and looked at Jiang Ling with tears in her eyes. The pitiful expression on her face gradually disappeared, and was replaced by scarlet madness. Only the words "crazy possession" remained in her mind. As long as Jiang Ling is possessed, the elder sister will not turn a blind eye to herself, and she will no longer be able to look at others.

    She brought Jiang Ling's two hands that she was holding together, fixed it with one hand, spread her legs, sat on Jiang Ling's abdomen, and pressed her body, making Jiang Ling unable to move.

    She freed up a hand and stroked Jiang Ling's face.

    This face, beautiful, gorgeous.

    She fell in love with it when she saw it for the first time nine years ago.

    She caressed carefully, and there was a never-before-seen infatuation in her eyes.

    Jiang Ling's brows furrowed even deeper. If Jiang Ling said she still had doubts about her confession just now, now that she saw Qin Siluan's frantic behavior, she was 100% sure that Qin Siluan was not joking. She really likes herself. When I was a child, it was true that I wanted to be a couple with her when I grew up, and it was also true that I wanted to live with her when I grew up.

    She suddenly felt cold hair stand on end.

    Qin Siluan quickly caught the aura of resistance emanating from Jiang Ling, her hand paused, a little aggrieved: "Do you hate me so much?"

    "But I like you so much."

    "I like it so much that you hate it. I like all my emotions."

    Jiang Ling was too lazy to pay attention to her crazy words, and said a little numbly: "Anyone who is locked in a room like this by you and pressed on a bed will hate you to death.

    " But that's because you ignore me! You don't care about me at all!" Qin Siluan roared anxiously: "I have become obedient and obedient for you, but why can't you look at me more, why? Drive me away."

    Jiang Ling's words instantly aroused Qin Siluan's suppressed emotions.

    Jiang Ling turned her head and ignored her, so she firmly squeezed Jiang Ling's face and made her look at her. Jiang Ling frowned in pain, Qin Siluan seemed to be frightened, and immediately let go. When she saw two red fingerprints pinched out on Jiang Ling's fair face, she felt so guilty that she apologized repeatedly.

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