Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

    At this moment, the spirit sword sect was in chaos, all the disciples were trapped in the mountain gate, and the disciples at the flower fair were recalled to the sect. One by one, the spiritual test board confirms the right body.

    Jiang Ling quickly grabbed Xiao Siluan, who was about to go back, and took her to the training platform to check her body. The two inner disciples saw that Jiang Ling respectfully called out "Elder Sister." On the spiritual tray, one followed behind to write and register.

    Jiang Ling's hand swept across the array plate, and the spiritual plate immediately emitted pure white light without a trace of impurities, which showed that Jiang Ling had no demonic energy and was a monk of the right way.

    The inner disciple nodded towards Jiang Ling and placed the formation plate in front of Si Luan.

    Si Luan was a little unhappy and ignored the inner disciples. The inner disciples were a little bit in trouble. The one in front of him was a direct disciple who was just accepted, and his status was much higher than them. Had to ask for help Mrs.

    Jiang Ling immediately grabbed Xiao Siluan's hand and waved it on the array plate, and the array plate instantly burst into white light. Like Jiang Ling, there was no demonic energy.

    The two inner disciples breathed a sigh of relief, but Xiao Siluan snorted unhappily and pulled his hand back from Jiang Ling's hand without giving any face.

    The two inner disciples glanced at each other and hurriedly went to examine Jiang Xiaoruan's body.

    As he ran, he said, "This new little junior sister is handsome and handsome, but her temper is even more delicate than the younger junior sister Minghua..."

    "I also think... But let's leave the junior sister alone for now. If you're angry, hurry up and check people."

    "Alas... just us inner disciples, we still don't know how long we're going to do it..."


    Si Luan listened to the two inner sects who had gone far away. The disciple's words turned to look at Jiang Ling: "Is it alright? Take me back if it's alright, I want to take a bath and go to bed."

    Jiang Ling felt that the child's temper was a bit of a headache. He was arrogant, and he would not give face to anyone. After staying in the sect, he would not offend anyone again and again? Just like her, can she really become the little junior sister who is pampered by the whole sect in the palm of her hand?

    "Si Luan, you have now joined the Lingjian Sect. You are a disciple of the Lingjian Sect and a member of the sect. Now that the sect is in trouble, you must be with all the brothers in the sect. At this time, you How can you go back to sleep just to have fun?" Jiang Ling squatted down, educating her with kind words, trying to lead the child to the right path.

    The child glanced at the busy sect, and said lightly: "It's just white work, why should I come with me?"

    Jiang Ling: ...

    She suddenly felt that sometimes she would rather be a vicious cannon fodder female supporting role than not. What a warm-hearted eldest sister, fists are always crisper than tongues.

    "It's not just work for nothing, it's called investigation danger."

    "Just because they use that broken array to check and register one by one? If I were a magic cultivator, I would have blown up the entire Spirit Sword faction by this time." Si Luan was dismissive.

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