Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    "I didn't want to sabotage your mission, and I didn't know the plot of your mission. I didn't even know that you were the mission person."

    Si Luan explained eagerly, "The first world and you are completely different. Accidentally, at that time, I just wanted to find a random world to stay in. It happened that the system showed that the heroine was vacant, so I filled it up. I didn't have any memory of the tasker. I lived with everything about Qin Siluan, but I didn't. When I thought of meeting you, I never thought that I would be picked up by you, and I would fall in love with you in the end."

    Jiang Ling frowned: "What about the second world and the third world? Is it a coincidence to meet you one after another?"

    Si Luan He clenched his palms tightly, bit his lip, and stopped talking.

    Jiang Linghong looked at her: "Speak!"

    Si Luan was stared at and lowered his head, "I'm sorry, that's not a coincidence. It was my first world that was abandoned by you and was a little unwilling. When I returned to the void space, I chose to come with you. However, my original intention was just to be with you. I also erased all my missionary memories."

    "I thought you were just a wisp of soul, just reincarnated in countless worlds. I didn't expect you to be a task person with a task on your body. If I knew, I wouldn't do it..."

    "But now that you know it, don't you still plan to do it?"

    Jiang Ling sarcastically smiling.

    This time, she didn't erase her tasker's memory, and even knew that Jiang Ling came with a task, but she still chose to tie the male lead and asked her to replace the male lead to get married. This way of doing things willfully, is this what she said in her mouth, "If I knew, I wouldn't do it"?

    Si Luan bowed her head in shame, Jiang Ling poked at her thoughts, when she came to this world, she really wanted to tie Jiang Ling to be with herself again, and even wanted to threaten Jiang Ling with a mission.

    But when she saw that Jiang Ling was really angry, she was cowardly again, and she knew that she had done something wrong, and it was her entanglement that brought Jiang Ling a lot of trouble.

    "I can compensate you." She tried to make it up, "I have a lot of grade points, I can give you 100 points directly, you don't have to work so hard."

    But Jiang Ling laughed sarcastically: "You now Do you think that you are my senior, so you can give alms after unscrupulously sabotaging other people's work?"

    "I didn't mean that..."

    "Si Luan, I warn you, this is my last mission, I beg you, Don't ruin my business again."

    Jiang Ling suddenly turned cold, she looked at the face of the girl in front of her, and suddenly felt a little disgusted.

    She felt so ironic. When she knew that the person in front of her was still the little phoenix, she was overjoyed and excited. She even thought about using this world to make good compensation for Xiao Siluan, but she didn't expect that she would be deceived in the end. It turned out to be her?

    She never thought that Si Luan was also a tasker, or a "senior" who has completed countless worlds.

    And the reason why they meet one after another is entirely because of the bad taste of this big guy.

    And those moves that pursued her were nothing more than a trick used by this senior to deceive her feelings.

    Jiang Ling's face was black, and he really felt like it was a fucking dog.

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