Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

    Song Yanhua was frightened by the sudden roar, but immediately, her anger was aroused. In Jinlong Elementary School, apart from this new little girl in front of her, who would dare to offend her?

    She turned her head to look, only to find that the one who was scolding her was a little boy who had never seen her before. He had pink hair and white face, and his hair was well-cut. He was not wearing a school uniform, but a set that looked very expensive. The sportswear on his feet seems to be seen only in TV commercials, which is different from the group of boys in their small town.

    "It's a newcomer again." Song Yanhua snorted, then looked up and down the boy in front of him, and added: "He's still so short."

    Ming Ze: "..."

    He hated the most when others said he was short . , The reason why he was thrown to the countryside by his father to fend for himself was because he was called short by his classmates in Kyoto, and he couldn't help kicking him into the hospital.

    But I didn't expect to come to this remote town, and there are people who say that he is short?

    He is very short now, even shorter than the girl who complained about him, but that's because he developed late! His mother's net height is 1.7 meters, and his father's net height is 1.7 meters. They all have tall genes, so he will not be short in the future, okay? ! ! ! !

    Ming Ze stared at the little girl who didn't know her life in front of him, "If it wasn't for you being a woman, I would have kicked you into the hospital now."

    Song Yanhua laughed out loud when she heard the words. He moved his face close to him: "I'm so afraid~ Little dwarf." Ming Ze was

    angry: "You!"

    Qin Siluan had already pulled out his hair when the two were scolding each other because of their height. , I was too lazy to pay attention to those two scumbags, and left with a blank expression.

    When Song Yanhuan reacted, she looked at Qin Siluan's far-away back, scolded the street angrily, and shoved Mingze hard: "Fuck off, you bastard, it's all your fault!" After she finished speaking, she also ran away.

    Ming Ze staggered and was pushed to the ground, his face flushed with anger.

    This is the first time a girl has pushed him to the ground!

    Damn girl, he completely remembered her!

    As for the little girl who just saw that he looked good and was ready to help? He had long since forgotten about it.


    At this moment, Jiang Ling, who is still across the street, is holding a steaming little wonton, mouth by mouth, she doesn't know that the plot has begun to develop in a strange direction. She will not know how much trouble she will bring to her in the future because of the system failure.


    After eating the little wontons, Jiang Ling didn't want to go to school at all. She has lived for hundreds of years. Now, if she is sitting in the classroom like a child and being recited by the teacher, it would be better to kill her.

    She just found an Internet cafe to stay, ready to watch TV to pass the time, just wait until half past eleven, pass the public toilet, appear in time when the female supporting role is being taught by the male lead, teach the female lead a lesson, and get full hate value. .

    This task is very simple.

    Jiang Ling has always felt at ease about bullying a child as an adult, which is unconscionable. Anyway, he is an NPC and has no burden at all.

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