Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    Jiang Ling only thought what Qin Siluan said was a child who was ignorant, and didn't take it to heart at all. She won't be tempted by a little kid like Qin Siluan, and she won't be with Qin Siluan who has grown up in the future. Moreover, Qin Siluan is the heroine, her destiny should be the hero, no matter what, it will never be hers.

    She just wants to complete the task well and leave this world.

    It's just that the current situation is a bit annoying. In the past, if you went to any world without touching the plot, the timeline can be directly fast-forwarded by the system. It may be three or five years in a blink of an eye. She just needs to complete it at the right time. A proper mission scenario will do.

    But in this world, system failure repair, she has no way to fast forward the timeline, she needs her to live every minute and every second of every day.

    This is a long and exhausting task for Jiang Ling. No one really wants to get up at 5 or 6 in the morning to go to school and have to take exams.

    After three years of hard work, I finally got to the day of the biggest plot point of the whole play - the fire!

    In the plot of the original work, this is a turning point in the fate of the male and female protagonists. When the fire came, the female protagonist rescued the male protagonist, but fell into a coma because of lack of physical strength. The family of the male protagonist was taken away from Jinlong Town because of gratitude.

    Jiang Ling was thinking, this time, why should I help a female supporting role.

    She has been watched closely by Qin Siluan for the past three years. Whenever she has a word with other girls, she can show her face and get sullen for a long time. The small thing is to add salt to the dishes, and the big one is to shut herself in the room. can't come out. Jiang Ling attributed all these to the child's lack of love and dependence on her. As for her, she was really afraid of Qin Siluan's awkward little temper, so she could only secretly have a good relationship with the female partner.

    For example, he greeted Song Yanhuan on the way to pick up Qin Siluan, and when he brought a sesame seed cake to Qin Siluan, he also gave Song Yanhuan one.

    But every time the little girl sees her, it's like seeing a ghost.

    It's like now, she is standing at the school gate waiting for Qin Siluan to finish school. Song Yanyu came out earlier than Qin Siluan. When Jiang Ling saw her, she handed Song Yanyu a small cake in her hand, but the children kept coming out. Shaking his hands, he ran numbly.

    Jiang Ling:

    "What are you running for? Every time I give you something, you look like a ghost. I'm so scary?" Jiang Ling couldn't help but ask.

    Song Yanhua shook her head again and again, "No, sister Jiang Ling, just spare me, I don't dare to take your things, and every time I take your things, I don't have a good end. Just do your best and leave me. Stay away. Please, please!"

    She put her hands together, a look of fear on her delicate and beautiful face, and tried her best to please. It looked like Jiang Ling was not being nice to her but hurt her.

    "Jiang Ling!"

    Qin Siluan's voice suddenly came from behind the two of them. Song Yanhua's back instantly stiffened when she heard the sound of "Jiang Ling", her face lost three points of color instantly, and she ran away in a hurry. : "Thank you, Sister Jiang Ling~ I have something to do, I'll go first~"

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