Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    After Jiang Ling's interview was posted on the Internet, it immediately aroused huge reactions. Netizens immediately divided into two camps. Half of them said that Jiang Ling was arrogant, rude, and bad-tempered. I support Jiang Ling, and I think this sister is really cool. What she said can be said to be sober in the world. She is a guiding light on the life of many lost sisters.

    Which of the current stars and internet celebrities does not pretend to be a weak little white flower? There are very few female stars who dare to be like this. There is one who loves the other. Moreover, this sober sister has money and money. Yan.

    Who is not excited?

    For a time, Jiang Ling's Weibo was full of messages from fans shouting "Sister look at me".

    This cola broke Yue Ning and her agency, so she quickly put Jiang Ling into the crew, hoping to continue to package her arrogant young lady's character through the output of TV series.

    Jiang Ling, who suddenly had a lot of work: ...

    She turned her head and asked Jiang Xiaoruan, "Is this a bit abnormal? Didn't the female supporting role in the plot drop in popularity because she was not likable and didn't have a job? Why did I do this? So much work?"

    She has always been lazy, so she doesn't want to be a struggling woman.

    I don't know how cool it is to be a salted fish cannon fodder.

    Jiang Xiaoruan also shook his head and said that he didn't know.

    The plot makes Jiang Ling hate the heroine, she hates it.

    The plot made Jiang Ling arrogant and rude, and she was also arrogant.

    The plot made Jiang Ling look down on no one, and she did it too.

    But I just don't understand, why is this still happening? It seems that the public's favorability value has not decreased but increased?

    One person and one snake frowned, and finally came to a consistent conclusion: it must be that they have not established enough, and they have not done enough.

    Therefore, Jiang Ling only selected one of the three scripts that Yue Ning had pushed to join the team. As for the other two teams who had already signed contracts, they didn't even say hello before they broke up.

    Originally, the contract was signed, and the crew also set the start date for the actors. Now they are waiting for Miss Jiang to join the crew and prepare to start filming, but it was not until the day before the filming started that the crew learned that Jiang Ling had breached the contract and quit. The directors of the two crews were so angry that they vomited blood. While looking for Yue Ning to ask for compensation, they scoured the Internet about Jiang Ling's irresponsibility and missed appointments. It would be difficult for actresses with bad morals to cooperate in the future.     Yue Ning's side was also so angry that she just had a good impression of Jiang Ling, and she started to give her all kinds of bullshit. Still in: The other party is not in the service area, please redial...     Yue Ning:... dizzy.     Jiang Ling looked at the agents and directors who were jumping up and down by her tossing, and was feeling that when this kind of death-defying behavior was finally going to play a role, another voice suddenly appeared on the Internet——     [Only me Do you think that sister Jiang Ling who does not play is the role model of an actor? 】    Jiang Ling: ? ? ?     Can this be cleaned up?     She clicked in to take a look, and saw the Weibo account that took the lead in praising her, Bai Mengluan with the head of a phoenix.     Jiang Ling: ......     rolling drama is a sensitive word in the entertainment industry.     Many actors violated their contracts in order to earn income, and often joined several production crews for a period of time. This also led to the problem of poor acting skills and low quality of film and television dramas, which made the audience very angry.     But suddenly there is an actor who would rather breach the contract than play, which suddenly makes people more favorable.     Even many netizens still suspect that the reason why Jiang Ling would breach the contract means that she did not sign the contract herself at all, but must have been forced by the brokerage company to sign it. Otherwise, even the richest artists would not do such mindless things as signing a contract and deliberately breaching the contract to lose money.     It must be the brokerage company that wants to make a profit by unscrupulous means to make such shameless behavior.     Yue Ning, who was suddenly sprayed to perfection: ? ? ? What's the matter with me?

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