Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

    Jiang Ling turned a deaf ear to Bai Mengluan's threats. In her opinion, Bai Mengluan could threaten her nothing more than robbing her of resources in the entertainment industry. The other party's every move was within her expectations. Since she already knew the ending, what else should she be afraid of on the way to meet the process?

    And she was so eager for Bai Mengluan and Bai Yujuan to do this, she had better try her best to make her stinky, so that she could sit firmly on the throne of the vicious supporting actress until she was offline.

    So when Yue Ning called and told her in a cold voice that several of her film appointments had been cancelled, and recently asked her not to show her face on the Internet, Jiang Ling was unwilling and angry on the surface, but she was happy in her heart. .

    Sitting on the sofa and pulling her phone, it's not hard to know that her reputation on the Internet has changed.

    In the beginning, it was because of Bai Mengluan's brainless kneeling and licking that she had a really fragrant character as an arrogant young lady, but later Bai Mengluan revealed that Jiang Ling ignored her and all kinds of behaviors, intentionally or unintentionally. , netizens were quickly incited to speak ill of Jiang Ling.

    At this time, the crews that Jiang Ling had worked for also jumped out one after another, accusing Jiang Ling on the Internet of how arrogant and rude, how irresponsible the crew was, and the acting skills were "touching" with sky-high remuneration. When her various evil deeds were exposed on the Internet, it completely aroused public anger, and netizens criticized her and strongly demanded that she be banned.

    And Jiang Ling's Weibo comment area has also become a hardest hit area, and countless people abuse it every day.

    For a time, Jiang Ling's reputation was completely ruined, and it was not as good as the drop in popularity required in the original plot.

    Her new fans were chasing after her, her old fans also announced to quit, and her support stations were closed.

    But Miss Jiang still couldn't stop her little hand, jumping around the Internet every three days, posting her travel cards everywhere, eating, drinking and having fun. Others are buried in the snow, and they are going to die and beg for forgiveness from netizens, but she is desperately showing off her wealth and arousing public anger.

    Netizens even started to organize activities to address a series of commodities on their own.

    In just one month, under these bad influences, the stock of □ has a faint downward trend.

    Jiang Mingsheng sat in the office every day and was heartbroken, but Jiang Ling went out to eat, drink and have fun every day. When he came home, he didn't even have anyone to complain about. He could only stay in the office every day, facing the stocks that fell and fell again. worry.

    At this time, he actually missed the Bai Yujuan who always made soup for him.

    Although Yujuan is older and not as good as a young girl, her gentle and virtuous temperament always makes him addicted.

    Not as domineering as Jiang Ling and her mother, Bai Yujuan is always gentle and gentle like a quiet and open magnolia flower, ready to welcome your business eyes. Only in front of Bai Yujuan did Jiang Mingsheng feel that he lived like a man, like a man who was offered to him.

    Unfortunately, since the last time Mengluan occupied Ling'er's room, he unilaterally cut off contact with Bai Yujuan, and they have been separated for more than a month.

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