Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    Wang Rong shouted outside for a long time, but the door could not be opened. She shouted angrily at the man downstairs: "Liu Li, come up to me, smash the door open, and drag me out the movie of that dead girl. I have to beat her to death today!"

    The man who was shouted lay lazily on the sofa, "What did you beat? Waste of your strength, go and cook me some food, I will be killed. You have hollowed it out, and you still don't give it some food."

    Wang Rong heard it and gave a stern "Bah", "I won't do it, little bastard, I don't have any food for you, eat my mother's, sleep my mother's, now Do you want my old lady to cook for you? It's a pretty good idea. Order takeout by yourself, whether you like it or not."

    After she finished speaking, she went downstairs and went to take a shower.

    Liu Li watched her go into the bathroom, and the laziness on his face turned into disgust: "Bah, if it wasn't for your money, and a bitch like you, would I like you?!"

    Wang Rong couldn't hear what he said . Arrived, but just opened the door, Qin Siluan, who was quietly looking out, heard it.

    She knew Liu Li, a man who was one of the ones who messed with Wang Rong. He was the youngest and most beautiful among Wang Rong's men, but he was also the most shameless. Other men may be taking Wang Rong's body and taking her out to eat, buy clothes, and be a head, but this Liu Li will only chew on Wang Rong's bones and fool Wang Rong to give him the money.

    When she was at home after school at noon on Friday, she heard Liu Li call someone to say that he owed a gambling debt, and if he could not get the money, he would have his hand cut off. He asked Wang Rong for the money, but Wang Rong didn't give it to him. At that time, the two had a big fight and moved their hands. Wang Rong was very unhappy that Liu Li was only with her for money. After arguing with Liu Li, she set eyes on her, so she started to destroy her flowers.

    Qin Siluan walked down the stairs slowly.

    Liu Li glanced at her, sneered, and flipped through the phone.

    At this time the phone rang again.

    Liu Li's expression changed instantly when he saw the number, he glanced defensively at the direction of the bathroom and Qin Siluan, and found that she didn't stare at him anymore, and the people in the bathroom wouldn't come out for a while, so the cat looked at him. Waist to the window, whispered back to the phone.

    Qin Siluan couldn't hear what was said on the other end of the phone, only that Liu Li had been apologizing and promised that he would get the money to the other party within three days.

    After hanging up the phone, Liu Li sat on the sofa with an ugly face, lit a cigarette and took two puffs before walking into Wang Rong's room. He rummaged through her bag, but soon came out with a paler expression on his face. just worse.

    "Actually, Auntie Rong is rich."

    Xiao Siluan stood at the door looking at Liu Li, and said with an embarrassed expression.

    When Liu Li heard this, his eyes lit up. He sat on the sofa and greeted Xiao Siluan.

    "Come here and talk to your uncle? Your Aunt Rong is rich?"

    Qin Siluan seemed to be very afraid of him, a little scared.

    Liu Li quickly softened his face and coaxed patiently: "It's okay, don't be afraid of uncle, and don't be afraid of your aunt Rong, uncle also knows that woman treats you badly and always beats you, but if you tell uncle her money Where, in the future when uncle takes care of you, she won't dare to beat you. Don't you think it's dirty here? Uncle can also give you a clean room."

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