Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

    Jiang Ling was woken up by someone. She opened her eyes in a daze, and a fiery red sunset was facing her. Through the window, young students in school uniforms and schoolbags can be seen running on the playground to the school gate.

    The voices in my ears gradually became noisy, footsteps, conversations, arguments...

    all came into my mind.

    Jiang Ling slept very deeply, and her head still ached when she woke up. She sat up and moved her stiff neck. When she turned her head, she saw an unfamiliar but somewhat familiar face.

    This face seems to have traveled through hundreds of years, fast-forwarding from the beginning of her long life, breaking through all memories, and sticking it in front of her eyes.

    Jiang Ling calmed down, and then he remembered who the person in front of him was.

    She is at the same table.

    But she forgot the name.

    Just in memory, this tablemate is kind-hearted and always helps her.

    This is how people are. After a long time, the friends who played well when they were young may disappear in memory in the end, and they can't even remember their names.

    "Jiang Ling, don't fall asleep, class is over, you should pack up and run." She pushed Jiang Ling's arm and whispered again: "Ye Hongxuan and the others are here, you can quickly slip away. "

    Jiang Ling has not recovered yet, she looked at the classroom that was almost empty, only a few students were left, and a few girls dressed in very stupid clothes came towards their classroom with a bag crossed.

    A ferocious look on his face.

    The one at the head still has red hair, is this Ye Hongxuan?

    Who is that?

    Jiang Ling rubbed her temples and asked her tablemate, "Which year is the best number today?"

    She chose to go back ten years ago at the Time and Space Administration, but Jiang Ling did not know which day she went.

    Her memory of the first half of her life was hundreds of years away from her existing memory. She was already very vague, and there was no system to remind herself, so she couldn't remember it at all. Although her body has returned to what it was ten years before the mission, her brain and memory are still her own.

    The tablemate looked at her like a fool: "You are sleepy. Today is April 30. Tomorrow will be a May Day holiday. Wake up."

    Jiang Ling rubbed his temple hand when he heard the date. After a while, his face changed suddenly.

    She may not be able to remember the memories of the past, but only this day, she remembers it clearly.

    Because this day was the day when her parents had a car accident, and it was also the day when her last life was ruined.

    On this day, she was stopped at the school gate by several school bullies who had bullied her for a long time. She was robbed. During the dispute, she injured one of them. Later, she was entangled by the others, and finally took her to the police station. I called my parents. My father and my mother in the third trimester were in a hurry. They were hit by a drunk truck when they were taking a taxi on the road.

    She didn't wait for her parents at the police station, but waited for a call from 120, informing her to go to the hospital to recognize her body.

    Overnight, not only was she punished by the school for fighting, but she also lost her parents and her soon-to-be-born younger brother or sister, and her grandparents couldn't bear the blow because they couldn't stand the blow. Even if she worked hard to make money, it was difficult to cure the two old people. After two years, the two old people passed away. Since then, she has been completely alone.

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