Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

    On the way to Xiaoqingming Peak, the child limped behind Jiang Ling and slowly climbed up the mountain. She walked very slowly and her posture was quite weird, probably because of the pain in her buttocks. not eliminated. The child had a small face and was aggrieved. After walking two steps, stop to look at Jiang Ling, and after two steps, stop and look.

    She really wanted to open her hands and shout "hug" at Jiang Ling as before, but now Xiao Siluan no longer dared.

    Jiang Ling walked very slowly, deliberately waiting for the child to follow his pace.

    When they got to the peak, "Go take a bath first." Jiang Ling told her.

    Little Phoenix turned his head and looked at her pitifully. Before, Jiang Ling helped her take a bath, but now... she obediently went to take a bath in despair. She clumsily cast a fire attribute spell, but because her spiritual power was too powerful, she burned all the barrels in one fell swoop. If Jiang Ling hadn't rectified it in time, her small house would have been doomed.

    The child was pitiful and knew that he had made a mistake. He drooped his small head and waited to be reprimanded. Unexpectedly, Jiang Ling did not say anything, but seriously taught: "The fire attribute spiritual root is a very aggressive spiritual root. A small fire-making spell like this requires only a trace of spiritual power."

    As she spoke, a trace of fire spiritual power was condensed on her fingers, and the flame was trembling and weak.

    The child was a little disdainful, "I can't make it so small." As soon as she raised her hand, it was a ball of fire.

    Jiang Ling knows that the little phoenix is ​​a natural beast after all, with great spiritual power. He has not undergone special training, so he cannot perceive the depth of his spiritual power. Unlike these monks, the spiritual power in his body is processed little by little. accumulated.

    "A good cultivator not only possesses profound spiritual power, but at the same time can use spiritual power freely, just right." The

    child's face still had a disdainful expression on his face. Among their beasts, only the power of the absolute can be regarded as the winner. Where to use these little tricks.

    Of course Jiang Ling knew her careful thoughts, but the current situation was that she had to lead Xiao Siluan to practice, and she also intentionally wanted to teach Xiao Siluan.

    She blinked her eyes and said deliberately, "You are indeed inferior to Junior Sister Mingyu in this regard."

    Xiao Siluan's eyes instantly became round, and he turned to look at Jiang Ling, Jiang Ling continued: "Junior Sister Mingyu is thinking. She is delicate and talented, and her control of spiritual power is even more amazing. Although she is only 16 years old, she is already at the peak of Qi training, and is about to break through to the foundation of foundation. Her control of water and spiritual power is also praised by her master. I see you, even though she is younger than her, it would be difficult if she could achieve such a level of cultivation at her age~"

    After hearing this, Xiao Fenghuang immediately had a raging fighting spirit on his face.

    She raised her fingers, trying to create flames. But every time it is not a group, it is a column, and I can't control it. She tried many times, but she couldn't give birth to a "slim" little flame like Jiang Ling. It's like, you have an ocean, but all you have to do is give her a drop.

    The child refused to admit defeat, frowned and wanted to continue to practice. Jiang Ling was afraid that she would really be more motivated, so she quickly stopped her, set her on fire, and asked her to take a bath first.

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