Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    In the opposite car, a slender figure is sitting, her long hair is slightly curly, it is a very natural linen color, and she is wearing a white puff sleeve dress, which is fresh and gentle and pleasant. The small face was covered by the huge black mask, revealing only one pair of eyes.

    These eyes... are too similar to Si Luan's.

    But then, the girl pulled off her mask, revealing a delicate and small face, with delicate facial features like a girl who came out of a cartoon, her eyes were also dyed with sweet vitality, and she nodded slightly to greet Jiang Ling.

    Jiang Ling was stunned.

    This person is not Si Luan.

    The eyes are very similar, but there is no domineering and arrogance of Si Luan.

    This girl is very sweet and gentle. As expected in the story, the gentle and lovely heroine Bai Mengluan.

    Jiang Xiaoruan, who secretly stuck out his small head from the bag, was relieved after seeing the heroine of this world. Fortunately, this world is no longer the scourge of Si Luan. This time, you can always complete the task well, right?

    Jiang Ling leaned against the window, his slender fingers gently scraped the sunglasses off the bridge of his nose, squinted at the little assistant who was standing in front of their car, and sneered, "Who am I supposed to be? , But I've acted in a web drama that can't get on the stage, and people just jumped like this? You dare to stand in front of my car?"

    She spread out her hands, and Li Yan next to her immediately handed over the business card. She took it and threw it on the assistant: "If that broken car breaks down, come to this place to find me. Pay for it. Okay. , I still have a variety show to record, bye~"

    After being smashed in the face by the business card, the assistant looked at the Mercedes-Benz nanny car driving away arrogantly, and yelled in anger: "Who is this! She has a variety show for us. Isn't there any more? Didn't he debut a few years earlier, so arrogant?"

    Bai Mengluan in the car glanced at the car that had left, and smiled softly: "Okay, our time is too late, Hurry up and go." She opened the car door, let the little assistant come up, and pulled the mask again, but the smile deepened in the exposed eyes.

    [Ding~ Your task has been completed 10%, please continue to work hard~]

    The task prompt sounded in Jiang Ling's mind, and Jiang Xiaoruan shouted from the side: "Very good, just follow this rhythm, we will soon be able to Get through this world and complete the mission~" But it shouted excitedly for a long time, but Jiang Ling didn't see the slightest joy.

    Jiang Xiaoruan: "Jiang Ling, don't you regret that the person just now wasn't Si Luan!"

    Jiang Ling rolled her eyes and poked her round head: "What nonsense are you talking about."

    Jiang Xiaoruan was poked She had to spit out snake letters and threatened her with a fierce face, but Jiang Ling hated others to threaten her the most. Seeing her like this, she would poke her fingers endlessly. Jiang Ling didn't let her go until Jiang Xiaoruan was poked and begged for mercy.


    Che arrived at the filming site very soon. The variety show they participated in this time was called "Heartbeat Action". It was a matching love variety show with a shooting cycle of four weeks. A total of ten guests participated in the variety show.

    The participating guests need to be paired in love. Each pairing lasts for one week, and there will be a corresponding voting evaluation session after one week. At that time, you can send a love letter to the person you like and re-form the CP.

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