Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

    With tears on Qin Siluan's face, he picked up the petals on the ground, held them carefully in his palm, and ran out.

    In mid-September, the weather had already started to get cold. She was wearing only a school uniform and ran fast with the flowers in her hands in her hands. The neighbors all shook their heads and sighed when they saw her running back.

    "This child is 80% beaten by her mother again. Her mother is simply a beast."

    But whenever a neighbor wanted to help Xiao Siluan, the animal who claimed to be her mother replied: "I care about me. Your own daughter, it's none of your business."

    Over time, the neighbors didn't dare to say more, they could only take care of Xiao Siluan when they usually saw her, and stuffed her with a few bites of food.


    Qin Siluan ran very fast. She held the petals that were protecting the palm of her hand tightly. She didn't understand why other children were loved by their parents, but she didn't. She used it as a tool to threaten her father, and finally took the money and flew away. Her father disliked her as a stain and didn't want her.

    The aunt who invited her also tortured her.

    At school, her classmates were also unfriendly to her and targeted her everywhere.

    She is still young, she doesn't understand, she clearly wants to be kind to others, but why is there always someone who can't get along with her.

    She just wants to see sister Jiang Ling now.

    In this world, only sister Jiang Ling will treat her undefended and will unswervingly believe in her.

    She didn't want to see anyone except Jiang Ling.

    She ran into the Jinjiang community where Jiang Ling lived in one breath. Looking at the stairs, she stopped her steps. The palm of her hand holding the petals was sweating slightly, but the few remaining petals inside were well protected.

    Qin Siluan wanted to see Jiang Ling, but she was afraid of disturbing the other party. She climbed the stairs layer by layer, not knowing how to explain her impulsive behavior today when she saw Sister Jiang Ling.

    Disturbing without permission.

    This is very rude behavior.

    But she really misses Jiang Ling so much.

    In the end, Qin Siluan did not dare to knock on Jiang Ling's door directly, but only dared to sit on the stairs of her house.

    She thought that she would not disturb sister Jiang Ling, as long as she could get closer to her, she would feel at ease.

    In fact, she also has some careful thoughts. Maybe, when Sister Jiang Ling opens the door, she can see herself waiting for her...

    So, I have to protect the petals in my hands well, even if I don't have the most beautiful flowers, I will I also want to give sister Jiang Ling the best-looking petals.


    Qin Siluan waited for a long time, from dawn until it was completely dark, when the door in front of her suddenly sounded open, she immediately raised her head, and a smile crept up the corner of her mouth, but she could see that it was not Jiang Ling who came out from inside, but An aunt in her forties and fifties.

    Auntie was stunned when she saw Qin Siluan, but she didn't pay much attention to it. After locking the door, she was ready to leave.

    Qin Siluan was in a hurry, she looked at the door, then looked at her aunt, and quickly asked, "Auntie, are you from this family?"

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