Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    After eating and drinking, Jiang Ling finally felt comfortable. She felt the bulging belly and wanted to sleep. She glanced at the rubbish left on the table and didn't want to move very much.

    So he glanced at Qin Siluan faintly, and the child immediately put the last small steamed bun into his mouth, and got up to clean up the remnants on the table.

    Jiang Ling was a little satisfied. This child is very good at Taoism. She likes people who are Taoist, and it is not so difficult to communicate.

    After lying on the chair for a while, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. After she was done, she turned to the child who put the packaged garbage outside the door and said, "After cleaning up, go brush your teeth, I'll give you a toothbrush. Put it on the sink, I'm going to bed first, don't call me if you have anything to do."

    Qin Siluan nodded obediently and watched Jiang Ling enter the room and then closed the door.

    After waiting for someone to go in, she walked into the bathroom lightly and saw a pink children's toothbrush on the sink. She bent the corner of her mouth and began to brush her teeth.

    It's just that after brushing her teeth, she is in trouble. Where is she going to sleep?


    Jiang Ling was lying comfortably on the two-meter wide bed, feeling that every cell in the body was relaxed, and there was no annoying noise of the system issuing tasks. It stands to reason that she should be able to fall asleep in seconds, but she was lying on the bed. I lay on the bed for more than two hours, tossing and turning in various positions, but I didn't feel sleepy at all.

    I took the phone, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

    After having a barbecue in the evening, she was a little thirsty, and she planned to go to the kitchen to pour a glass of water.

    But as soon as she opened the door, she met a pair of big blinking eyes. In the dark night, those eyes flickered and frightened Jiang Ling. She quickly touched the switch on the wall and found that it was Qin Siluan.

    "What are you doing here?! Aren't you going to sleep so late?" The

    child was at a loss, grabbing the hem of his T-shirt and saying nothing.

    Jiang Ling saw her awkward little appearance, and reacted with hindsight, "Is it because I didn't tell you where to sleep, so you don't know where to sleep?"

    The child did not speak, but clearly agreed with this statement.

    Jiang Ling was completely speechless, yes, she took back what she just said to communicate, this child is completely an idiot, she is very doubtful, can this idiot really be able to stumble around the hostess in the future?

    She has never seen such a vicious female supporting actress with such a soft personality!

    Jiang Ling pinched his brows and glanced at the house. Except for her bedroom, there seemed to be no other place to sleep. The other room had no bed at all, only a desk, and there was a sofa in the dining room, but it was all that kind of single bed. It is impossible to curl up alone on the sofa.

    However, it is absolutely impossible for her to share a room with a strange child!

    She turned around and held a quilt for the child, spread it on the floor, and gave her an air conditioner. "Tonight, you can sleep on the floor of the study." The

    child nodded obediently, and did not forget to say to her, " thanks".

    Jiang Ling accepted this thank you with peace of mind, she had no obligation to take care of the children. If it weren't for the fact that the plot of the mission asked her to become the confidant sister of the vicious female partner and help the vicious female partner to complete the mission, she would not have brought anyone back at all. To do this, she has done her best.

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