Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

    Jiang Ling suddenly found that aside from those prejudices, it was unexpectedly comfortable to chat with this senior who looked like a little girl in front of him.

    Her rich experience makes Jiang Ling, an old employee who is about to retire, can't help but be speechless.

    Those scenes of fighting alone without relying on any force also made Jiang Ling feel proud.

    She would even feel sorry for Xiao Yingluan for the pain and suffering she suffered.

    Jiang Ling couldn't help thinking, maybe, Xiao Yingluan was not as calculated as she thought.

    Before Jiang Ling thought that Xiao Yingluan was chasing her to world after world without authorization, sabotaging her mission, she did it on purpose, but now, she gradually believes that maybe she really didn't mean it, she was just pure I want to chase after myself and spend more time with myself.

    And there was only one way she thought of, and that was to chase after her without asking the reason.

    She never considers how to express her love in a roundabout way, but simply throws a straight ball neatly. Come up to confess. Although it will bring her endless trouble later, but at this moment, Jiang Ling thinks, maybe he can forgive him?

    Just when Jiang Ling thought so, Jiang Xiaoruan's voice exploded.

    "Jiang Ling, how can you think so, you can't be deceived by her lovely appearance, her senior status and rich experience. Don't forget, if it weren't for her, you would have retired perfectly now and still have With an extra 100 GPA, what can you do now?"

    Jiang Ling glanced and saw a fat white pig rushing towards her room from outside the yard, standing in front of her bed and humming non-stop Haw.

    Jiang Ling: ...

    Xiao Yingluan: ...

    "Sister Jiang Ling, this..." Xiao Yingluan was startled by the big fat pig that suddenly rushed in, and looked at Jiang Ling in a bit of surprise.

    Jiang Ling has already recovered from being scolded by Jiang Xiaoruan, Jiang Xiaoruan is right, even if Xiao Yingluan didn't deliberately lie to her and sabotage her mission, but she could not retire smoothly and the rewards were lost because of the failure. she.

    Her loss could not be completely offset by Xiao Yingluan's words "not intentional".

    She was almost deceived by Xiao Yingluan's self-narrative just now!

    She restrained her expression and said calmly: "This is my pet pig, don't worry, it won't hurt me." She looked at the sky outside again: "It's getting late, you should go back too. ."

    She pulled the quilt, lay down, and kicked out Xiao Yingluan, who was just talking about it.

    Xiao Yingluan glanced suspiciously at Jiang Xiaoruan and then at Jiang Ling on the bed, she could feel that the sudden appearance of this pig changed Jiang Ling. But she quickly stopped the conversation and said with a smile: "I was negligent. I didn't notice that it was so late, so I'll go back first. I'll come back tomorrow to deliver medicine to you, what do you want? I can do it. I'll make it for you."

    Jiang Ling wanted to eat fried chicken, but this food is a bit unconventional in this day and age.

    "No. If I want to eat, I can just tell the kitchen to do it. I don't need your trouble." She drove Xiao Yingluan away.

    Xiao Yingluan showed a slightly disappointed expression and sighed: "Okay, then you have a good rest, I will see you again tomorrow morning."

    Before she left, she glanced at Jiang Xiaoruan who was still standing on the ground.

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